Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Generation of rat induced pluripotent stem cells: the analysis of reprogramming and culturing media.
Liskovykh, M.A., Chuykin, I.A., Ranjan, A., Safina, D.A., Tolkunova, E.N., Minina, Y.M., Zhdanova, N.S., Dyban, P.A,, Mullins, J., Kostyleva, E.I., Chikhirzhina, E.V., Bader, M., Alenina, N. and Tomilin, A.N.
Tsitologiia 53 (12): 939-945. 2011


Obnaruzhenie transgennykh zhivotnykh pri pomoshchi polimeraznoi tsepnoi reaktsii in situ. [The detection of transgenic animals using a polymerase chain reaction in situ].
Popov, A.V., Golubkov, V.I., Smirnov, A.F., Bader, M., Suchkova, I.O., Baranova, T.V., Sorokin, A.V., Gaitskhoki, V.S. and Patkin, E.L.
Tsitologiia 41 : 693-697. 1 January 1999

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