Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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The ART of bringing extinction to a freeze - history and future of species conservation, exemplified by rhinos.
Hildebrandt, T.B., Hermes, R., Goeritz, F., Appeltant, R., Colleoni, S., de Mori, B., Diecke, S., Drukker, M., Galli, C., Hayashi, K., Lazzari, G., Loi, P., Payne, J., Renfree, M., Seet, S., Stejskal, J., Swegen, A., Williams, S.A., Zainuddin, Z.Z. and Holtze, S.
Theriogenology 169 : 76-88. 15 July 2021


Efficiency of transgenic rat production is independent of transgene-construct and overnight embryo culture.
Popova, E., Krivokharchenko, A., Ganten, D. and Bader, M.
Theriogenology 61 (7-8): 1441-1453. 1 January 2004


Double vitrification of rat embryos at different developmental stages using an identical protocol.
Isachenko, V., Folch, J., Isachenko, E., Nawroth, F., Krivokharchenko, A., Vajta, G., Dattena, M. and Alabart, J.L.
Theriogenology 60 (3): 445-452. August 2003

New technology for vitrification and field (microscope-free) warming and transfer of small ruminant embryos.
Isachenko, V., Alabart, J.L., Dattena, M., Nawroth, F., Cappai, P., Isachenko, E., Cocero, M.J., Olivera, J., Roche, A., Accardo, C., Krivokharchenko, A. and Folch, J.
Theriogenology 59 (5-6): 1209-1218. March 2003


A culture system for the development of the preimplantation rat embryo.
Ouhibi, N., Warren, J., English, J. and Sullivan, N.
Theriogenology 41 : 535-551. 1 January 1995

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