Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Predicting response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with schizophrenia using structural magnetic resonance imaging: a multisite machine learning analysis.
Koutsouleris, N., Wobrock, T., Guse, B., Langguth, B., Landgrebe, M., Eichhammer, P., Frank, E., Cordes, J., Woelwer, W., Musso, F., Winterer, G., Gaebel, W., Hajak, G., Ohmann, C., Verde, P.E., Rietschel, M., Ahmed, R., Honer, W.G., Dwyer, D., Ghaseminejad, F., Dechent, P., Malchow, B., Kreuzer, P.M., Poeppl, T.B., Schneider-Axmann, T., Falkai, P. and Hasan, A.
Schizophrenia Bulletin 44 (5): 1021-1034. 20 August 2018


Executive attention in schizophrenic males and the impact of COMT Val108/158Met genotype on performance on the Attention Network Test.
Opgen-Rhein, C., Neuhaus, A.H., Urbanek, C., Hahn, E., Sander, T. and Dettling, M.
Schizophrenia Bulletin 34 (6): 1231-1239. November 2008

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