Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Organ-specific small non-coding RNA responses in domestic (Sudani) ducks experimentally infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1).
Samir, M., Vidal, R.O., Abdallah, F., Capece, V., Seehusen, F., Geffers, R., Hussein, A., Ali, A.A.H., Bonn, S. and Pessler, F.
RNA Biology 17 (1): 112-124. January 2020

Transcriptional dynamics of microRNAs and their targets during Drosophila neurogenesis.
Menzel, P., McCorkindale, A.L., Stefanov, S.R., Zinzen, R.P. and Meyer, I.M.
RNA Biology 16 (1): 69-81. 20 January 2019

Expanding the map of protein-RNA interaction sites via cell fusion followed by PAR-CLIP.
Hinze, F., Drewe-Boss, P., Milek, M., Ohler, U., Landthaler, M. and Gotthardt, M.
RNA Biology 15 (3): 359-368. 4 March 2018

Genome-wide identification and characterisation of tissue-specific RNA editing events in D. melanogaster and their potential role in regulating alternative splicing.
Mazloomian, A. and Meyer, I.M.
RNA Biology 12 (12): 1391-1401. December 2015

Four RNA families with functional transient structures.
Zhu, J.Y. and Meyer, I.M.
RNA Biology 12 (1): 5-20. 2015

Identification of LIN28B-bound mRNAs reveals features of target recognition and regulation.
Graf, R., Munschauer, M., Mastrobuoni, G., Mayr, F., Heinemann, U., Kempa, S., Rajewsky, N. and Landthaler, M.
RNA Biology 10 (7): 1146-1159. 1 July 2013

The hok mRNA family.
Steif, A. and Meyer, I.M.
RNA Biology 9 (12): 1399-1404. 1 December 2012

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