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Preexisting hypertension and pregnancy-induced hypertension reveal molecular differences in placental proteome in rodents.
Mary, S., Small, H., Herse, F., Carrick, E., Flynn, A., Mullen, W., Dechend, R. and Delles, C.
Physiological Genomics 53 (6): 259-268. June 2021


Protease inhibitor 15, a candidate gene for abdominal aortic internal elastic lamina ruptures in the rat.
Falak, S., Schafer, S., Baud, A., Hummel, O., Schulz, H., Gauguier, D., Hubner, N. and Osborne-Pellegrin, M.
Physiological Genomics 46 (12): 418-428. 15 June 2014


Integrated genomic approaches to identification of candidate genes underlying metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Morrissey, C., Grieve, I.C., Heinig, M., Atanur, S., Petretto, E., Pravenec, M., Hubner, N. and Aitman, T.J.
Physiological Genomics 43 (21): 1207-1218. 7 November 2011

Characterization of the genomic structure and function of regions influencing renin and angiogenesis in the SS rat.
Stodola, T.J., de Resende, M.M., Sarkis, A.B., Didier, D.N., Jacob, H.J., Huebner, N., Hummel, O., Saar, K., Moreno, C. and Greene, A.S.
Physiological Genomics 43 (13): 808-817. 14 July 2011


Geno-transcriptomic dissection of proteinuria in the uninephrectomized rat uncovers a molecular complexity with sexual dimorphism.
Yagil, Y., Hessner, M.J., Schulz, H., Gosele, C., Lebdev, L., Barkalifa, R., Sapojnikov, M., Huebner, N. and Yagil, C.
Physiological Genomics 42A (4): 301-316. 29 November 2010

Genomic analysis of miRNAs in an extreme mammalian hibernator, the Arctic ground squirrel.
Liu, Y., Hu, W., Wang, H., Lu, M., Shao, C., Menzel, C., Yan, Z., Li, Y., Zhao, S., Khaitovich, P., Liu, M., Chen, W., Barnes, B.M. and Yang, J.
Physiological Genomics 42A (1): 39-51. September 2010


Characterization of Nob3, a major quantitative trait locus for obesity and hyperglycemia on mouse chromosome 1.
Vogel, H., Nestler, M., Rueschendorf, F., Block, M.D., Tischer, S., Kluge, R., Schurmann, A., Joost, H.G. and Scherneck, S.
Physiological Genomics 38 (2): 226-232. 9 July 2009


Prioritization of candidate disease genes for metabolic syndrome by computational analysis of its defining phenotypes.
Tiffin, N., Okpechi, I., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and Ramesar, R.
Physiological Genomics 35 (1): 55-64. 17 September 2008

Localization of genetic loci controlling hydronephrosis in the Brown Norway rat and its association with hematuria.
Kota, L.T., Schulz, H., Falak, S., Huebner, N. and Osborne-Pellegrin, M.
Physiological Genomics 34 (2): 215-224. 15 July 2008

The effects of chromosome 17 on features of the metabolic syndrome in the Lyon Hypertensive (LH) rat.
Gilibert, S., Kwitek, A.E., Huebner, N., Tschannen, M., Jacob, H.J., Sassard, J. and Bataillard, A.P.
Physiological Genomics 33 (2): 212-217. 22 April 2008


Quantitative genetic basis of arterial phenotypes in the Brown Norway rat.
Kota, L., Osborne-Pellegrin, M., Schulz, H., Behmoaras, J., Coutard, M., Gong, M. and Huebner, N.
Physiological Genomics 30 (1): 17-25. 1 June 2007


Reciprocal congenic lines for a major stroke-QTL on rat chromosome 1.
Rubattu, S., Hubner, N., Ganten, U., Evangelista, A., Stanzione, R., Angelantonio, E.D., Plehm, R., Langanki, R., Gianazza, E., Sironi, L., D'Amati, G. and Volpe, M.
Physiological Genomics 27 (2): 108-113. 11 October 2006


A physiogenomic approach to study the regulation of blood pressure.
Westhoff, T.H., Scheid, S., Toelle, M., Kaynak, B., Schmidt, S., Zidek, W., Sperling, S. and van der Giet, M.
Physiological Genomics 23 (1): 46-53. 21 September 2005

Growth, metabolism and blood pressure disturbances during aging in transgenic rats with altered brain renin-angiotensin systems.
Kasper, S.O., Carter, C.S., Ferrario, C.M., Ganten, D., Ferder, L.F., Sonntag, W.E., Gallagher, P.E. and Diz, D.I.
Physiological Genomics 23 : 311-317. 30 August 2005

Cardiac gene expression profile in rats with terminal heart failure and cachexia.
Wellner, M., Dechend, R., Park, J.K., Shagdasuren, E., Al-Saadi, N., Kirsch, T., Gratze, P., Schneider, W., Meiners, S., Fiebeler, A., Haller, H., Luft, F.C. and Mueller, D.N.
Physiological Genomics 20 : 256-267. 1 January 2005


Expression of an angiotensin-(1-7)-producing fusion protein produces cardioprotective effects in rats.
Santos, R.A.S., Ferreira, A.J., Nadu, A.P., Braga, A.N.G., de Almeida, A.P., Campagnole-Santos, M.J., Baltatu, O., Iliescu, R., Reudelhuber, T.L. and Bader, M.
Physiological Genomics 17 (3): 292-299. 1 January 2004


Early onset albuminuria in Dahl rats is a polygenetic trait that is independent from salt loading.
Mehr, A.P., Siegel, A.K., Kossmehl, P., Schulz, A., Plehm, R., de Bruijn, J.A., de Heer, E. and Kreutz, R.
Physiological Genomics 14 (3): 209-216. 1 January 2003

Congenic strains confirm the presence of salt-sensitivity QTLs on chromosome 1 in the Sabra rat model of hypertension.
Yagil, C., Hubner, N., Kreutz, R., Ganten, D. and Yagil, Y.
Physiological Genomics 12 : 85-95. 1 January 2003


Angiotensin peptides acting at rostral ventrolateral medulla contribute to hypertension of TGR(mREN2)27 rats.
Fontes, M.A.P., Baltatu, O., Caligiorne, S.M., Campagnole-Santos, M.J., Ganten, D., Bader, M. and Santos, R.A.S.
Physiological Genomics 2 : 137-142. 27 April 2000

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