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Second-line tisagenlecleucel or standard care in aggressive B-cell lymphoma.
Bishop, M.R., Dickinson, M., Purtill, D., Barba, P., Santoro, A., Hamad, N., Kato, K., Sureda, A., Greil, R., Thieblemont, C., Morschhauser, F., Janz, M., Flinn, I., Rabitsch, W., Kwong, Y.L., Kersten, M.J, Minnema, M.C., Holte, H., Chan, E.H.L., Martinez-Lopez, J., Müller, A.M.S., Maziarz, R.T., McGuirk, J.P., Bachy, E., Le Gouill, S., Dreyling, M., Harigae, H., Bond, D., Andreadis, C., McSweeney, P., Kharfan-Dabaja, M., Newsome, S., Degtyarev, E., Awasthi, R., Del Corral, C., Andreola, G., Masood, A., Schuster, S.J., Jäger, U., Borchmann, P. and Westin, J.R.
New England Journal of Medicine 386 (7): 629-639. 17 February 2022

Purifying selection against pathogenic mitochondrial DNA in human T cells.
Walker, M.A., Lareau, C.A., Ludwig, L.S., Karaa, A., Sankaran, V.G., Regev, A. and Mootha, V.K.
New England Journal of Medicine 383 (16): 1556-1563. 15 October 2020

Magnetic resonance perfusion or fractional flow reserve in coronary disease.
Nagel, E., Greenwood, J.P., McCann, G.P., Bettencourt, N., Shah, A.M., Hussain, S.T., Perera, D., Plein, S., Bucciarelli-Ducci, C., Paul, M., Westwood, M.A., Marber, M., Richter, W.S., Puntmann, V.O., Schwenke, C., Schulz-Menger, J., Das, R., Wong, J., Hausenloy, D.J., Steen, H. and Berry, C.
New England Journal of Medicine 380 (25): 2418-2428. 20 June 2019

Tracking the evolution of non-small-cell lung cancer.
Jamal-Hanjani, M., Wilson, G.A., McGranahan, N., Birkbak, N.J., Watkins, T.B.K., Veeriah, S., Shafi, S., Johnson, D.H., Mitter, R., Rosenthal, R., Salm, M., Horswell, S., Escudero, M., Matthews, N., Rowan, A., Chambers, T., Moore, D.A., Turajlic, S., Xu, H., Lee, S.-M., Forster, M.D., Ahmad, T., Hiley, C.T., Abbosh, C., Falzon, M., Borg, E., Marafioti, T., Lawrence, D., Hayward, M., Kolvekar, S., Panagiotopoulos, N., Janes, S.M., Thakrar, R., Ahmed, A., Blackhall, F., Summers, Y., Shah, R., Joseph, L., Quinn, A.M., Crosbie, P.A., Naidu, B., Middleton, G., Langman, G., Trotter, S., Nicolson, M., Remmen, H., Kerr, K., Chetty, M., Gomersall, L., Fennell, D.A., Nakas, A., Rathinam, S., Anand, G., Khan, S., Russell, P., Ezhil, V., Ismail, B., Irvin-Sellers, M., Prakash, V., Lester, J.F., Kornaszewska, M., Attanoos, R., Adams, H., Davies, H., Dentro, S., Taniere, P., O'Sullivan, B., Lowe, H.L., Hartley, J.A., Iles, N., Bell, H., Ngai, Y., Shaw, J.A., Herrero, J., Szallasi, Z., Schwarz, R.F., Stewart, A., Quezada, S.A., Le Quesne, J., Van Loo, P., Dive, C., Hackshaw, A. and Swanton, C.
New England Journal of Medicine 376 (22): 2109-2121. 1 June 2017

Genomic classification and prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia.
Papaemmanuil, E., Gerstung, M., Bullinger, L., Gaidzik, V.I., Paschka, P., Roberts, N.D., Potter, N.E., Heuser, M., Thol, F., Bolli, N., Gundem, G., Van Loo, P., Martincorena, I., Ganly, P., Mudie, L., McLaren, S., O'Meara, S., Raine, K., Jones, D.R., Teague, J.W., Butler, A.P., Greaves, M.F., Ganser, A., Döhner, K., Schlenk, R.F., Döhner, H. and Campbell, P.J.
New England Journal of Medicine 374 (23): 2209-2221. 12 July 2016

Polyhydramnios, transient antenatal Bartter's syndrome, and MAGED2 mutations.
Laghmani, K., Beck, B.B., Yang, S.S., Seaayfan, E., Wenzel, A., Reusch, B., Vitzthum, H., Priem, D., Demaretz, S., Bergmann, K., Duin, L.K., Göbel, H., Mache, C., Thiele, H., Bartram, M.P., Dombret, C., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, P., Benzing, T., Levtchenko, E., Seyberth, H.W., Klaus, G., Yigit, G., Lin, S.H., Timmer, A., de Koning, T.J., Scherjon, S.A., Schlingmann, K.P., Bertrand, M.J.M., Rinschen, M.M., de Backer, O., Konrad, M. and Kömhoff, M.
New England Journal of Medicine 374 (19): 1853-1863. 12 May 2016

Inflammatory skin and bowel disease linked to ADAM17 deletion.
Blaydon, D.C., Biancheri, P., Di, W.L., Plagnol, V., Cabral, R.M., Brooke, M.A., van Heel, D.A., Ruschendorf, F., Toynbee, M., Walne, A., O'Toole, E.A., Martin, J.E., Lindley, K., Vulliamy, T., Abrams, D.J., MacDonald, T.T., Harper, J.I. and Kelsell, D.P.
New England Journal of Medicine 365 (16): 1502-1508. 20 October 2011

Reduced treatment intensity in patients with early-stage Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Engert, A., Pluetschow, A., Eich, H.T., Lohri, A., Doerken, B., Borchmann, P., Berger, B., Greil, R., Willborn, K.C., Wilhelm, M., Debus, J., Eble, M.J., Soekler, M., Ho, A., Rank, A., Ganser, A., Truemper, L., Bokemeyer, C., Kirchner, H., Schubert, J., Kral, Z., Fuchs, M., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Mueller, R.P. and Diehl, V.
New England Journal of Medicine 363 (7): 640-652. 12 August 2010

General and abdominal adiposity and risk of death in Europe.
Pischon, T., Boeing, H., Hoffmann, K., Bergmann, M., Schulze, M.B., Overvad, K., van der Schouw, Y.T., Spencer, E., Moons, K.G., Tjonneland, A., Halkjaer, J., Jensen, M.K., Stegger, J., Clavel-Chapelon, F., Boutron-Ruault, M.C., Chajes, V., Linseisen, J., Kaaks, R., Trichopoulou, A., Trichopoulos, D., Bamia, C., Sieri, S., Palli, D., Tumino, R., Vineis, P., Panico, S., Peeters, P.H., May, A.M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H.B., van Duijnhoven, F.J., Hallmans, G., Weinehall, L., Manjer, J., Hedblad, B., Lund, E., Agudo, A., Arriola, L., Barricarte, A., Navarro, C., Martinez, C., Quiros, J.R., Key, T., Bingham, S., Khaw, K.T., Boffetta, P., Jenab, M., Ferrari, P. and Riboli, E.
New England Journal of Medicine 359 (20): 2105-2120. 13 November 2008

Plasma exchange for primary autoimmune autonomic failure.
Schroeder, C., Vernino, S., Birkenfeld, A.L., Tank, J., Heusser, K., Lipp, A., Benter, T., Lindschau, C., Kettritz, R., Luft, F.C. and Jordan, J.
New England Journal of Medicine 353 (15): 1585-1590. 13 October 2005

Angiotensin II type 1-receptor activating antibodies in renal-allograft rejection (authors reply inN Engl J Med. 2005 May 12;352(19):2027-8).
Dragun, D., Mueller, D.N., Braesen, J.H., Fritsche, L., Nieminen-Kelhae, M., Dechend, R., Kintscher, U., Rudolph, B., Hoebeke, J., Eckert, D., Mazak, I., Plehm, R., Schoenemann, C., Unger, T., Budde, K., Neumayer, H.H., Luft, F.C. and Wallukat, G.
New England Journal of Medicine 352 (6): 558-569. 1 January 2005

Inflammatory markers and the risk of coronary heart disease in men and women.
Pai, J.K., Pischon, T., Ma, J., Manson, J.E., Hankinson, S.E., Joshipura, K., Curhan, G.C., Rifai, N., Cannuscio, C.C., Stampfer, M.J. and Rimm, E.B.
New England Journal of Medicine 351 (25): 2599-2610. 16 December 2004

The renal arterial resistance index and renal allograft survival.
Radermacher, J., Mengel, M., Ellis, S., Stuht, S., Hiss, M., Schwarz, A., Eisenberger, U., Burg, M., Luft, F.C., Gwinner, W. and Haller, H.
New England Journal of Medicine 349 (2): 115-124. 10 July 2003

Standard and increased-dose BEACOPP chemotherapy compared with COPP-ABVD for advanced Hodgkins disease.
Diehl, V., Franklin, J., Pfreundschuh, M., Lathan, B., Paulus, U., Hasenclever, D., Tesch, H., Herrmann, R., Doerken, B., Mueller-Hermelink, H.K., Duehmke, E. and Loeffler, M.
New England Journal of Medicine 348 (24): 2386-2395. 12 June 2003

Orthostatic intolerance and tachycardia associated with norepinephrine-transporter deficiency.
Shannon, J.R., Flattem, N.L., Jordan, J., Jacob, G., Black, B.K., Biaggioni, I., Blakely, R.D. and Robertson, D.
New England Journal of Medicine 342 (8): 541-549. 24 February 2000

Mutations in the gene for cardiac myosin-binding protein C and late-onset familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Niimura, H., Bachinski, L.L., Sangwatanaroj, S., Watkins, H., Chudley, A.E., McKenna, W., Kristinsson, A., Roberts, R., Sole, M., Maron, B.J., Seidman, J.G. and Seidman, C.E.
New England Journal of Medicine 338 (18): 1248-1257. 30 April 1998

Traumatic ventricular aneurysm.
Jordan, J. and Dietz, R.
New England Journal of Medicine 336 (9): 625-625. 27 February 1997

Mutations in the genes for cardiac troponin T and alpha-tropomyosin in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Watkins, H., McKenna, W.J., Thierfelder, L.H., Suk, H.J., Anan, R., Odonoghue, A., Spirito, P., Matsumori, A., Moravec, C.S., Seidman, J.G. and Seidman, C.E.
New England Journal of Medicine 332 (16): 1058-1064. 20 April 1995

Correlation between genotype and phenotype in patients with cystic fibrosis.
Hamosh, A., Grade, K., Coutelle, C. and Reis, A.
New England Journal of Medicine 329 (18): 1308-1313. 28 October 1993


Teclistamab-induced remission in refractory systemic lupus erythematosus.
Alexander, T., Krönke, J., Cheng, Q., Keller, U. and Krönke, G.
New England Journal of Medicine 391 (9): 864-866. 5 September 2024

Genome sequencing in myeloid cancers.
Dolnik, A., Schrezenmeier, J. and Bullinger, L.
New England Journal of Medicine 384 (25): e106. 24 June 2021

Intestinal-cell kinase and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Lerche, H., Berkovic, S.F. and Lowenstein, D.H.
New England Journal of Medicine 380 (16): e24. 18 April 2019

Adverse events associated with testosterone administration.
Weikert, C., Pischon, T. and Weikert, S.
New England Journal of Medicine 363 (19): 1865; author reply 1866-1867. 4 November 2010

Obesity and risk of death (Reply).
Pischon, T., Boeing, H. and Riboli, E.
New England Journal of Medicine 360 (10): 1043-1044. 5 March 2009

Specific removal of β1-adrenergic autoantibodies from patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
Wallukat, G., Mueller, J. and Hetzer, R.
New England Journal of Medicine 347 (22): 1806. 28 November 2002

Effect of ramipril on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients.
Sharma, A.M., Pischon, T. and Engeli, S.
New England Journal of Medicine 343 : 65. 6 July 2000

Effect of ramipril on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients.
Weinsaft, J.W., O'Rourke, M.F., Nichols, W.W., Sharma, A.M., Pischon, T., Engeli, S., Gavras, H., Yusuf, S. and Francis, G.S.
New England Journal of Medicine 343 : 64-66. 6 July 2000

Increased mortality associated with growth hormone treatment in critically ill adults.
Osterziel, K.J., Dietz, R. and Ranke, M.B.
New England Journal of Medicine 342 : 134-135. 13 January 2000

Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.
Moll, S. and Ortel, T.L.
New England Journal of Medicine 339 (15): 1084. 8 October 1998

Successful thrombolysis of an aortic-arch thrombus in a patient after mesenteric embolism.
Hausmann, D., Gulba, D., Bargheer, K., Niedermeyer, J., Comess, K.A. and Daniel, W.G.
New England Journal of Medicine 327 (7): 500-501. 13 August 1992

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