Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Clinical characteristics and cardiovascular magnetic resonance findings in stress (takotsubo) cardiomyopathy.
Eitel, I., von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, F., Bernhardt, P., Carbone, I., Muellerleile, K., Aldrovandi, A., Francone, M., Desch, S., Gutberlet, M., Strohm, O., Schuler, G., Schulz-Menger, J., Thiele, H. and Friedrich, M.G.
Journal of the American Medical Association 306 (3): 277-286. 20 July 2011


Plasma adiponectin levels and risk of myocardial infarction in men.
Pischon, T., Girman, C.J., Hotamisligil, G.S., Rifai, N., Hu, F.B. and Rimm, E.B.
Journal of the American Medical Association 291 (14): 1730-1737. 14 April 2004

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