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Development of high-specificity fluorescent probes to enable cannabinoid type 2 receptor studies in living cells.
Sarott, R.C., Westphal, M., Pfaff, P., Korn, C., Sykes, D.A., Gazzi, T., Brennecke, B., Atz, K., Weise, M., Mostinski, Y., Hompluem, P., Koers, E., Miljus, T., Roth, N.J., Asmelash, H., Vong, M.C., Piovesan, J., Guba, W., Rufer, A., Kusznir, E.A., Huber, S., Raposo, C., Zirwes, E.A., Osterwald, A., Pavlovic, A., Moes, S., Beck, J., Benito-Cuesta, I., Grande, T., Ruiz de Martin, S., Yeliseev, A.A., Drawnel, F., Widmer, G., Holzer, D., van der Wel, T., Mandhair, H., Yuan, C.Y., Drobyski, W., Saroz, Y., Grimsey, N.L., Honer, M., Fingerle, J., Gawrisch, K., Romero, J., Hillard, C., Varga, Z., van der Stelt, M., Pacher, P., Gertsch, J., McCormick, P., Ullmer, C., Oddi, S., Maccarrone, M., Veprintsev, D., Nazaré, M., Grether, U. and Carreira, E.M.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (40): 16953-16964. 7 October 2020


Allosteric inhibition of a mammalian lectin.
Aretz, J., Anumala, U.R., Fuchsberger, F.F., Molavi, N., Ziebart, N., Zhang, H., Nazaré, M. and Rademacher, C.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (44): 14915-14925. 7 November 2018

Solvent networks tune thermodynamics of oligosaccharide complex formation in an extended protein binding site.
Kunstmann, S., Gohlke, U., Broeker, N.K., Roske, Y., Heinemann, U., Santer, M. and Barbirz, S.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (33): 10447-10455. 22 August 2018


Inhibition of huntingtin exon-1 aggregation by the molecular tweezer CLR01.
Vöpel, T., Bravo-Rodriguez, K., Mittal, S., Vachharajani, S., Gnutt, D., Sharma, A., Steinhof, A., Fatoba, O., Ellrichmann, G., Nshanian, M., Heid, C., Loo, J.A., Klärner, F.-G., Schrader, T., Bitan, G., Wanker, E.E., Ebbinghaus, S. and Sanchez-Garcia, E.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (16): 5640-5643. 26 April 2017


Tracking transient conformational states of T4 lysozyme at room temperature combining X-ray crystallography and site-directed spin labeling.
Consentius, P., Gohlke, U., Loll, B., Alings, C., Mueller, R., Heinemann, U., Kaupp, M., Wahl, M. and Risse, T.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (39): 12868-12875. 5 October 2016

Bacteriophage tailspikes and bacterial O-antigens as a model system to study weak-affinity protein-polysaccharide interactions.
Kang, Y., Gohlke, U., Engström, O., Hamark, C., Scheidt, T., Kunstmann, S., Heinemann, U., Widmalm, G., Santer, M. and Barbirz, S.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (29): 9109-9118. 27 July 2016


A multiplexed NMR-reporter approach to measure cellular kinase and phosphatase activities in real-time.
Thongwichian, R., Kosten, J., Benary, U., Rose, H.M., Stuiver, M., Theillet, F.X., Dose, A., Koch, B., Yokoyama, H., Schwarzer, D., Wolf, J. and Selenko, P.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (20): 6468-6471. 27 May 2015


Cascade of reduced speed and accuracy after errors in enzyme-free copying of nucleic acid sequences.
Leu, K., Kervio, E., Obermayer, B., Turk-MacLeod, R.M., Yuan, C., Luevano, J.M., Chen, E., Gerland, U., Richert, C. and Chen, I.A.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (1): 354-366. 9 January 2013


Substrate binding favors enhanced NO binding to P450cam.
Franke, A., Stochel, G., Jung, C. and van Eldik, R.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (13): 4181-4191. 1 January 2004


Impact of four 13C-proline isotope labels on the infrared spectraof ribonuclease T1.
Moritz, R., Fabian, H., Hahn, U., Diem, M. and Naumann, D.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (22): 6259-6264. 1 June 2002


Methylene blue binding to DNA with alternating GC base sequence: A modeling study.
Rohs, R., Sklenar, H., Lavery, R. and Roeder, B.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (12): 2860-2866. 29 March 2000


Detection of a monomeric intermediate associated with dimerization of protein HU by mass spectrometry.
Vis, H., Heinemann, U., Dobson, C.M. and Robinson, C.V.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 120 : 6427-6428. 1 January 1998


Electronic structure of neutral tryptophan radicals in ribonucleotide reductase studied by EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy.
Lendzian, F., Sahlin, M., MacMillan, F., Bittl, R., Fiege, R., Poetsch, S., Sjoeberg, B.M., Graeslund, A., Lubitz, W. and Lassmann, G.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 118 : 8111-8120. 1 January 1996

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