Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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The solution structure of the core of mesoderm development (MESD), a chaperone for members of the LDLR-family.
Koehler, C., Andersen, O.M., Diehl, A., Krause, G., Schmieder, P. and Oschkinat, H.
Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 7 (3-4): 131-138. December 2006


Rapid purification and crystal structure analysis of a small protein carrying two terminal affinity tags.
Mueller, U., Buessow, K., Diehl, A., Bartl, F.J., Niesen, F.H., Nyarsik, L. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 4 (4): 217-225. December 2003

Secure web book to store structural genomics research data.
Manjasetty, B.A., Hoppner, K., Mueller, U. and Heinemann, U.
Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 4 (2-3): 121-127. 1 January 2003

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