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Computational toolbox for ultrastructural quantitative analysis of filament networks in cryo-ET data.
Dimchev, G., Amiri, B., Fäßler, F., Falcke, M. and Schur, F.K.M.
Journal of Structural Biology 213 (4): 107808. December 2021

Structure of the Yersinia injectisome in intracellular host cell phagosomes revealed by cryo FIB electron tomography.
Berger, C., Ravelli, R.B.G., López-Iglesias, C., Kudryashev, M., Diepold, A. and Peters, P.J.
Journal of Structural Biology 213 (1): 107701. March 2021


Crystal structure of Q4D6Q6, a conserved kinetoplastid-specific protein from Trypanosoma cruzi.
Dias D'Andréa, E., Roske, Y., de Oliveira, G.A.P., Cremer, N., Diehl, A., Schmieder, P., Heinemann, U., Oschkinat, H. and Ricardo Pires, J.
Journal of Structural Biology 211 (2): 107536. 1 August 2020


Dynamo Catalogue: geometrical tools and data management for particle picking in subtomogram averaging of cryo-electron tomograms.
Castaño-Díez, D., Kudryashev, M. and Stahlberg, H.
Journal of Structural Biology 197 (2): 135-144. February 2017


Protein-mediated membrane remodeling.
Daumke, O. and Unger, V.M.
Journal of Structural Biology 196 (1): 1-2. October 2016


Conical Fourier shell correlation applied to electron tomograms.
Diebolder, C.A., Faas, F.G.A., Koster, A.J. and Koning, R.I.
Journal of Structural Biology 190 (2): 215-223. May 2015


Localization of fluorescently labeled structures in frozen-hydrated samples using integrated light electron microscopy.
Faas, F.G.A., Bárcena, M., Agronskaia, A.V., Gerritsen, H.C., Moscicka, K.B., Diebolder, C.A., van Driel, L.F., Limpens, R.W.A.L., Bos, E., Ravelli, R.B.G., Koning, R.I. and Koster, A.J.
Journal of Structural Biology 181 (3): 283-290. March 2013


Improving the quality of electron tomography image volumes using pre-reconstruction filtering.
Maiorca, M., Hanssen, E., Kazmierczak, E., Maco, B., Kudryashev, M., Hall, R., Quiney, H. and Tilley, L.
Journal of Structural Biology 180 (1): 132-142. October 2012

Dynamo: a flexible, user-friendly development tool for subtomogram averaging of cryo-EM data in high-performance computing environments.
Castaño-Díez, D., Kudryashev, M., Arheit, M. and Stahlberg, H.
Journal of Structural Biology 178 (2): 139-151. May 2012

Assessing the benefits of focal pair cryo-electron tomography.
Kudryashev, M., Stahlberg, H. and Castaño-Díez, D.
Journal of Structural Biology 178 (2): 88-97. May 2012


Expression of protein complexes using multiple E. coli protein co-expression systems: a benchmarking study.
Busso, D., Peleg, Y., Heidebrecht, T., Romier, C., Jacobovitch, Y., Dantes, A., Salim, L., Troesch, E., Schuetz, A., Heinemann, U., Folkers, G.E., Geerlof, A., Wilmanns, M., Polewacz, A., Quedenau, C., Büssow, K., Adamson, R., Blagova, E., Walton, J., Cartwright, J.L., Bird, L.E., Owens, R.J., Berrow, N.S., Wilson, K.S., Sussman, J.L., Perrakis, A. and Celie, P.H.
Journal of Structural Biology 175 (2): 159-170. August 2011


Distinct in situ structures of the Borrelia flagellar motor.
Kudryashev, M., Cyrklaff, M., Wallich, R., Baumeister, W. and Frischknecht, F.
Journal of Structural Biology 169 (1): 54-61. January 2010


An approach to quality management in structural biology: Biophysical selection of proteins for successful crystallization.
Niesen, F.H., Koch, A., Lenski, U., Harttig, U., Roske, Y., Heinemann, U. and Hofmann, K.P.
Journal of Structural Biology 162 (3): 451-459. June 2008


Molecular modeling of the myosin-S1(A1) isoform.
Aydt, E.M., Wolff, G. and Morano, I.
Journal of Structural Biology 159 (1): 158-163. July 2007


Red-edge anisotropy microscopy enables dynamic imaging of homo-FRET between green fluorescent proteins in cells.
Squire, A., Verveer, P.J., Rocks, O. and Bastiaens, P.I.
Journal of Structural Biology 147 (1): 62-69. July 2004


Protein repeats: Structures, functions, and evolution.
Andrade, M.A., Perez-Iratxeta, C. and Ponting, C.P.
Journal of Structural Biology 134 (2-3): 117-131. 1 January 2001


A survey of the primary structure and the interspecies conservation of I-band titin's elastic elements in vertebrates.
Witt, C.C., Olivieri, N., Centner, T., Kolmerer, B., Millevoi, S., Morell, J., Labeit, D., Labeit, S., Jockusch, H. and Pastore, A.
Journal of Structural Biology 122 : 206-215. 1 January 1998


Direct visualization of a cardiolipin-dependent cytochrome P450scc-induced vesicle aggregation.
Schwarz, D., Richter, W., Krueger, V., Chernogolov, A., Usanov, S. and Stier, A.
Journal of Structural Biology 113 : 207-215. 1 January 1994

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