Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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MAGED2 controls vasopressin-induced aquaporin-2 expression in collecting duct cells.
Reusch, B., Bartram, M.P., Dafinger, C., Palacio-Escat, N., Wenzel, A., Fenton, R.A., Saez-Rodriguez, J., Schermer, B., Benzing, T., Altmüller, J., Beck, B.B. and Rinschen, M.M.
Journal of Proteomics 252 : 104424. 10 February 2022


Comparative analysis of the intracellular responses to disease-related aggregation-prone proteins.
Melnik, A., Cappelletti, V., Vaggi, F., Piazza, I., Tognetti, M., Schwarz, C., Cereghetti, G., Ahmed, M.A., Soste, M., Matlack, K., de Souza, N., Csikasz-Nagy, A. and Picotti, P.
Journal of Proteomics 225 : 103862. 15 August 2020


Proteomic analysis of chemosensory organs in the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor: a comprehensive examination of the potential carriers for semiochemicals.
Iovinella, I., McAfee, A., Mastrobuoni, G., Kempa, S., Foster, L.J., Pelosi, P. and Dani, F.R.
Journal of Proteomics 181 : 131-141. 15 June 2018


Proteomic investigation of the interactome of FMNL1 in hematopoietic cells unveils a role in calcium-dependent membrane plasticity.
Han, Y., Yu, G., Sarioglu, H., Caballero-Martinez, A., Schlott, F., Ueffing, M., Haase, H., Peschel, C. and Krackhardt, A.M.
Journal of Proteomics 78 : 72-82. 14 January 2013

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