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Characterization and analysis of posttranslational modifications of the human large cytoplasmic ribosomal subunit proteins by mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing.
Odintsova, T.I., Mueller, E.C., Ivanov, A.V., Egorov, T.A., Bienert, R., Vladimirov, S.N., Kostka, S., Otto, A., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Karpova, G.G.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 22 (3): 249-258. April 2003


Preparative high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis enables the identification of RNA polymerase B transcription factor 3 as an apoptosis-associated protein in the human BL60-2 Burkitt lymphoma cell line.
Brockstedt, E., Otto, A., Rickers, A., Bommert, K. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 18 (2): 225-231. February 1999


Influence of single amino acid exchanges in epitope generation by 20S proteasome.
Kraft, R., Kostka, S., Grelle, G., Henklein, P., Kloetzel, P.M. and Kuckelkorn, U.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 17 : 547-548. 1 August 1998

Discrimination of conformational states of mitochondrial cytochrome p-450scc by selective modification of several Lys residues.
Lapko, A.G. and Ruckpaul, K.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 17 : 516-516. 1 August 1998

High performance two dimensional gel electrophoresis and nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry as powerful tool to study apoptosis-associated processes in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line.
Otto, A., Mueller, E.C., Brockstedt, E., Schumann, M., Rickers, A., Bommert, K. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 17 : 564-565. 1 August 1998


Artificial neural network method for predicting the specificity of GalNAc-transferase.
Cai, Y.D., Yu, H. and Chou, K.C.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 16 : 689-700. 1 January 1997

On the classification and evolution of protein modules.
Hegyi, H. and Bork, P.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 16 : 545-551. 1 January 1997

Contact sites of peptide-oligoribonucleotide cross-links identified by a combination of peptide and nucleotide sequencing with MALDI MS.
Urlaub, H., Thiede, B., Mueller, E.C. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 16 : 375-383. 1 January 1997

The modular organization of multifunctional peptide synthetases.
Vater, J., Stein, T., Vollenbroich, D., Kruft, V., Wittmann-Liebold, B., Franke, P., Liu, L. and Zuber, P.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 16 : 557-564. 1 January 1997


Amino acid sequence of the ribosomal protein HS23 from the halophilic Haloarcula marismortui and homology studies to other ribosomal proteins.
Engemann, S., Herfurth, E., Briesemeister, U. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 14 : 189-195. 1 January 1995


Investigation of protein-protein interactions in mitochondrial steroid hydroxylase systems using site- directed mutagenesis.
Bernhardt, R., Kraft, R., Uhlmann, H. and Beckert, V.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 13 : 482-483. 1 January 1994

Investigation of protein-antibiotic cross-links in prokaryotic ribosomes by sequence analysis and mass spectroscopy.
Bischof, O., Hechenberger, M., Thiede, B., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 13 : 477-478. 1 January 1994

Identification of proteins on two-dimensional gels for the construction of a human heart 2-DE database.
Otto, A., Benndorf, R., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Jungblut, P.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 13 : 478-480. 1 January 1994

Overexpression and purification of halophilic ribosomal proteins suitable for crystallization.
Uehlein, M. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 13 : 480-480. 1 January 1994

New approach for identification of cross-linked peptides to rRNA.
Urlaub, H., Kruft, V. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 13 : 480-481. 1 January 1994


Identification of cross-linked amino acids in ribosomal protein pairs by combining N-terminal protein sequencing and mass spectrometry. (Short communication).
Bergmann, U. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11 : 361-362. 1 January 1992

The development of a C-terminal sequencer. (Short communication).
Bradaczek, H.A. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11 : 365. 1 January 1992

Probing the surface of the ribosome with antipeptide-antibodies. (Short communication).
Herfurth, E. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11 : 422-423. 1 January 1992

Determination of cross-linked amino acids in the protein pairs L3-L19 and L23-L29 of Bacillus stearothermophilus ribosomes after treatment with diepoxybutane. (Short communication).
Herwig, S. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11 : 421-422. 1 January 1992

Identification of tissue proteins by amino acid analysis after purification two-dimensional electrophoresis.
Jungblut, P., Dzionara, M., Klose, J. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11 : 603-612. 1 January 1992

Probing the ribosomal surface by limited proteolysis. (Short communication).
Kruft, V., Bischof, O., Gaenge, H. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 11 : 399-400. 1 January 1992


Peptide sequencing after covalent attachment to DITC-PVDF in the Knauer Sequencer. (Short communication).
Herfurth, E., Pilling, U. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Protein Chemistry 9 : 267. 1 January 1991

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