Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Stimulation of hCG protein and mRNA in first trimester villous cytotrophoblast cells in vitro by glycodelin A.
Jeschke, U., Karsten, U., Reimer, T., Richter, D.U., Bergemann, C., Briese, V., Mylonas, L. and Friese, K.
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 33 (3): 212-218. 1 January 2005


Detection of C-type natriuretic peptide in fetal circulation.
Stepan, H., Walther, D., Faber, R. and Walther, T.
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 28 (2): 118-121. 1 January 2000


Detection of C-type natriuretic peptide in normal pregnancy.
Stepan, H., Walther, T., Walther, D. and Faber, R.
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 26 : 56-58. 1 January 1998

C-type natriuretic peptide in maternal plasma in spontaneous labour, at elective cesarean section and during puerperium.
Stepan, H., Walther, T. and Faber, R.
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 26 : 396-399. 1 January 1998

A simple technique to isolate DNA and supernatant of genital Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum.
Walther, T., Retzlaff, C., Stepan, H. and Faber, R.
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 26 : 123-124. 1 January 1998

Absence of phospholipase A2 activity in genital Mycoplasma hominis.
Walther, T., Stepan, H., Baumann, L., Walther, D. and Faber, R.
Journal of Perinatal Medicine 26 : 208-210. 1 January 1998

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