Real-world multicentre cohort study on choices and effectiveness of immunotherapies in NMOSD and MOGAD.
Häußler, V., Trebst, C., Engels, D., Pellkofer, H., Havla, J., Duchow, A., Schindler, P., Schwake, C., Pakeerathan, T., Fischer, K., Ringelstein, M., Lindenblatt, G., Hümmert, M.W., Tkachenko, D., Bütow, F., Giglhuber, K., Flaskamp, M., Schiffmann, I., Korporal-Kuhnke, M., Jarius, S., Dawin, E., Revie, L., Senel, M., Herfurth, M., Walter, A., Pompsch, M., Kleiter, I., Angstwurm, K., Kaste, M., Grothe, M., Wickel, J., Rommer, P.S., Sieb, J.P., Krämer, M., Then Bergh, F., Tumani, H., Klotz, L., Wildemann, B., Aktas, O., Ayzenberg, I., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F., Kümpfel, T., Friede, T., Berthele, A. and Stellmann, J.P.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
27 December 2024
(In Press)
Cognition in patients with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: a prospective, longitudinal, multicentre study of 113 patients (CogniMOG-Study).
Passoke, S., Stern, C., Häußler, V., Kümpfel, T., Havla, J., Engels, D., Jarius, S., Wildemann, B., Korporal-Kuhnke, M., Senel, M., Stellmann, J.P., Warnke, C., Grothe, M., Schülke, R., Gingele, S., Kretschmer, J.R., Klotz, L., Walter, A., Then Bergh, F., Aktas, O., Ringelstein, M., Ayzenberg, I., Schwake, C., Kleiter, I., Sperber, P.S., Rust, R., Schindler, P., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Paul, F., Kopp, B., Trebst, C. and Hümmert, M.W.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
30 July 2024
(In Press)
The T1-weighted/T2-weighted ratio as a biomarker of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.
Hartung, T.J., Cooper, G., Jünger, V., Komnenić, D., Ryan, L., Heine, J., Chien, C., Paul, F., Prüss, H. and Finke, C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 95
(4): 366-373.
13 March 2024
Serum neurofilament light chain levels at attack predict post-attack disability worsening and are mitigated by inebilizumab: analysis of four potential biomarkers in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder.
Aktas, O., Hartung, H.P., Smith, M.A., Rees, W.A., Fujihara, K., Paul, F., Marignier, R., Bennett, J.L., Kim, H.J., Weinshenker, B.G., Pittock, S.J., Wingerchuk, D.M., Cutter, G., She, D., Gunsior, M., Cimbora, D., Katz, E. and Cree, B.A.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 94
(9): 757-768.
September 2023
Association of obesity with disease outcome in multiple sclerosis.
Lutfullin, I., Eveslage, M., Bittner, S., Antony, G., Flaskamp, M., Luessi, F., Salmen, A., Gisevius, B., Klotz, L., Korsukewitz, C., Berthele, A., Groppa, S., Then Bergh, F., Wildemann, B., Bayas, A., Tumani, H., Meuth, S.G., Trebst, C., Zettl, U.K., Paul, F., Heesen, C., Kuempfel, T., Gold, R., Hemmer, B., Zipp, F., Wiendl, H. and Lünemann, J.D.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 94
(1): 57-61.
January 2023
SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations fail to elicit humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving fingolimod.
Meyer-Arndt, L., Braun, J., Fauchere, F., Vanshylla, K., Loyal, L., Henze, L., Kruse, B., Dingeldey, M., Jürchott, K., Mangold, M., Maraj, A., Braginets, A., Böttcher, C., Nitsche, A., de la Rosa, K., Ratswohl, C., Sawitzki, B., Holenya, P., Reimer, U., Sander, L.E., Klein, F., Paul, F., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Thiel, A. and Giesecke-Thiel, C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93
(9): 960-971.
September 2022
Plasma neurofilament light chain levels suggest neuroaxonal stability following therapeutic remyelination in people with multiple sclerosis.
Abdelhak, A., Cordano, C., Boscardin, W.J., Caverzasi, E., Kuhle, J., Chan, B., Gelfand, J.M., Yiu, H.H., Oertel, F.C., Beaudry-Richard, A., Condor Montes, S., Oksenberg, J.R., Lario Lago, A., Boxer, A., Rojas-Martinez, J.C., Elahi, F.M., Chan, J.R. and Green, A.J.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93
(9): 972-977.
12 August 2022
Astrocytic outer retinal layer thinning is not a feature in AQP4-IgG seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders.
Lu, A., Zimmermann, H.G., Specovius, S., Motamedi, S., Chien, C., Bereuter, C., Lana-Peixoto, M.A., Fontenelle, M.A., Ashtari, F., Kafieh, R., Dehghani, A., Pourazizi, M., Pandit, L., D'Cunha, A., Kim, H.J., Hyun, J.W., Jung, S.K., Leocani, L., Pisa, M., Radaelli, M., Siritho, S., May, E.F., Tongco, C., De Sèze, J., Senger, T., Palace, J., Roca-Fernández, A., Leite, M.I., Sharma, S.M., Stiebel-Kalish, H., Asgari, N., Soelberg, K.K., Martinez-Lapiscina, E.H., Havla, J., Mao-Draayer, Y., Rimler, Z., Reid, A., Marignier, R., Cobo-Calvo, A., Altintas, A., Tanriverdi, U., Yildirim, R., Aktas, O., Ringelstein, M., Albrecht, P., Tavares, I.M., Bichuetti, D.B., Jacob, A., Huda, S., Soto de Castillo, I., Petzold, A., Green, A.J., Yeaman, M.R., Smith, T.J., Cook, L., Paul, F., Brandt, A.U. and Oertel, F.C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93
(2): 188-195.
February 2022
Anti-MOG antibody-associated disorders: differences in clinical profiles and prognosis in Japan and Germany.
Liu, J., Mori, M., Zimmermann, H., Brandt, A., Havla, J., Tanaka, S., Sugimoto, K., Oji, S., Uzawa, A., Asseyer, S., Cooper, G., Jarius, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Ruprecht, K., Siebert, N., Masuda, H., Uchida, T., Ohtani, R., Nomura, K., Meinl, E., Kuempfel, T., Paul, F. and Kuwabara, S.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 92
(4): 377-383.
April 2021
Complete Epstein-Barr virus seropositivity in a large cohort of patients with early multiple sclerosis.
Abrahamyan, S., Eberspächer, B., Hoshi, M.M., Aly, L., Luessi, F., Groppa, S., Klotz, L., Meuth, S.G., Schroeder, C., Grüter, T., Tackenberg, B., Paul, F., Then-Bergh, F., Kümpfel, T., Weber, F., Stangel, M., Bayas, A., Wildemann, B., Heesen, C., Zettl, U., Warnke, C., Antony, G., Hessler, N., Wiendl, H., Bittner, S., Hemmer, B., Gold, R., Salmen, A. and Ruprecht, K.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 91
(7): 681-686.
July 2020
Attack-related damage of thalamic nuclei in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders.
Papadopoulou, A., Oertel, F.C., Gaetano, L., Kuchling, J., Zimmermann, H., Chien, C., Siebert, N., Asseyer, S., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Ruprecht, K., Chakravarty, M.M., Scheel, M., Magon, S., Wuerfel, J., Paul, F. and Brandt, A.U.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 90
(10): 1156-1164.
October 2019
Retinal ganglion cell loss in neuromyelitis optica: a longitudinal study.
Oertel, F.C., Havla, J., Roca-Fernández, A., Lizak, N., Zimmermann, H., Motamedi, S., Borisow, N., White, O.B., Bellmann-Strobl, J., Albrecht, P., Ruprecht, K., Jarius, S., Palace, J., Leite, M.I., Kuempfel, T., Paul, F. and Brandt, A.U.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(12): 1259-1265.
December 2018
Beyond the limbic system: disruption and functional compensation of large-scale brain networks in patients with anti-LGI1 encephalitis.
Heine, J., Prüss, H., Kopp, U.A., Wegner, F., Then Bergh, F., Münte, T., Wandinger, K.P., Paul, F., Bartsch, T. and Finke, C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(11): 1191-1199.
November 2018
Teenage exercise is associated with earlier symptom onset in dysferlinopathy: a retrospective cohort study.
Moore, U.R., Jacobs, M., Fernandez-Torron, R., Jang, J., James, M.K., Mayhew, A., Rufibach, L., Mittal, P., Eagle, M., Cnaan, A., Carlier, P.G., Blamire, A., Hilsden, H., Lochmüller, H., Grieben, U., Spuler, S., Tesi Rocha, C., Day, J.W., Jones, K.J., Bharucha-Goebel, D.X., Salort-Campana, E., Harms, M., Pestronk, A., Krause, S., Schreiber-Katz, O., Walter, M.C., Paradas, C., Hogrel, J.Y., Stojkovic, T., Takeda, S., Mori-Yoshimura, M., Bravver, E., Sparks, S., Diaz-Manera, J., Bello, L., Semplicini, C., Pegoraro, E., Mendell, J.R., Bushby, K. and Straub, V.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(11): 1224-1226.
November 2018
Muscle MRI in patients with dysferlinopathy: pattern recognition and implications for clinical trials.
Diaz-Manera, J., Fernandez-Torron, R., LLauger, J., James, M.K., Mayhew, A., Smith, F.E., Moore, U.R., Blamire, A.M., Carlier, P.G., Rufibach, L., Mittal, P., Eagle, M., Jacobs, M., Hodgson, T., Wallace, D., Ward, L., Smith, M., Stramare, R., Rampado, A., Sato, N., Tamaru, T., Harwick, B., Rico Gala, S., Turk, S., Coppenrath, E.M., Foster, G., Bendahan, D., Le Fur, Y., Fricke, S.T., Otero, H., Foster, S.L., Peduto, A., Sawyer, A.M., Hilsden, H., Lochmuller, H., Grieben, U., Spuler, S., Tesi Rocha, C., Day, J.W., Jones, K.J., Bharucha-Goebel, D.X., Salort-Campana, E., Harms, M., Pestronk, A., Krause, S., Schreiber-Katz, O., Walter, M.C., Paradas, C., Hogrel, J.Y., Stojkovic, T., Takeda, S., Mori-Yoshimura, M., Bravver, E., Sparks, S., Bello, L., Semplicini, C., Pegoraro, E., Mendell, J.R., Bushby, K. and Straub, V.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(10): 1071-1081.
October 2018
Worldwide prevalence of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders.
Mori, M., Kuwabara, S. and Paul, F.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(6): 555-556.
June 2018
Superficial white matter damage in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.
Phillips, O. R., Joshi, S.H., Narr, K.L., Shattuck, D.W., Singh, M., Di Paola, M., Ploner, C.J., Prüss, H., Paul, F. and Finke, C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(5): 518-525.
May 2018
A standardised frankincense extract reduces disease activity in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (the SABA phase IIa trial).
Stürner, K.H., Stellmann, J.P., Dörr, J., Paul, F., Friede, T., Schammler, S., Reinhardt, S., Gellissen, S., Weissflog, G., Faizy, T.D., Werz, O., Fleischer, S., Vaas, L.A.I., Herrmann, F., Pless, O., Martin, R. and Heesen, C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 89
(4): 330-338.
15 March 2018
Immunotherapies in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: efficacy and predictors of response.
Stellmann, J.P., Krumbholz, M., Friede, T., Gahlen, A., Borisow, N., Fischer, K., Hellwig, K., Pache, F., Ruprecht, K., Havla, J., Kümpfel, T., Aktas, O., Hartung, H.P., Ringelstein, M., Geis, C., Kleinschnitz, C., Berthele, A., Hemmer, B., Angstwurm, K., Young, K.L., Schuster, S., Stangel, M., Lauda, F., Tumani, H., Mayer, C., Zeltner, L., Ziemann, U., Linker, R.A., Schwab, M., Marziniak, M., Then Bergh, F., Hofstadt-van Oy, U., Neuhaus, O., Zettl, U., Faiss, J., Wildemann, B., Paul, F., Jarius, S., Trebst, C. and Kleiter, I.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 88
(8): 639-647.
August 2017
Diagnostic criteria for Susac syndrome.
Kleffner, I., Dörr, J., Ringelstein, M., Gross, C.C., Böckenfeld, Y., Schwindt, W., Sundermann, B., Lohmann, H., Wersching, H., Promesberger, J., von Königsmarck, N., Alex, A., Guthoff, R., Frijns, C.J.M., Kappelle, L.J., Jarius, S., Wildemann, B., Aktas, O., Paul, F., Wiendl, H. and Duning, T.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 87
(12): 1287-1295.
25 December 2016
Multicentre comparison of a diagnostic assay: aquaporin-4 antibodies in neuromyelitis optica.
Waters, P., Reindl, M., Saiz, A., Schanda, K., Tuller, F., Kral, V., Nytrova, P., Sobek, O., Nielsen, H.H., Barington, T., Lillevang, S.T., Illes, Z., Rentzsch, K., Berthele, A., Berki, T., Granieri, L., Bertolotto, A., Giometto, B., Zuliani, L., Hamann, D., van Pelt, E.D., Hintzen, R., Höftberger, R., Costa, C., Comabella, M., Montalban, X., Tintoré, M., Siva, A., Altintas, A., Deniz, G., Woodhall, M., Palace, J., Paul, F., Hartung, H.P., Aktas, O., Jarius, S., Wildemann, B., Vedeler, C., Ruiz, A., Leite, M.I., Trillenberg, P., Probst, M., Saschenbrecker, S., Vincent, A. and Marignier, R.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 87
(9): 1005-1015.
September 2016
Evidence-based patient information programme in early multiple sclerosis: a randomised controlled trial.
Köpke, S., Kern, S., Ziemssen, T., Berghoff, M., Kleiter, I., Marziniak, M., Paul, F., Vettorazzi, E., Pöttgen, J., Fischer, K., Kasper, J. and Heesen, C.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 85
(4): 411-418.
April 2014
Critical illness myopathy is frequent: accompanying neuropathy protracts ICU discharge.
Koch, S., Spuler, S., Deja, M., Bierbrauer, J., Dimroth, A., Behse, F., Spies, C.D., Wernecke, K.D. and Weber-Carstens, S.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 82
(3): 287-293.
March 2011
Early mitoxantrone-induced cardiotoxicity in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.
Paul, F., Doerr, J., Wuerfel, J., Vogel, H.P. and Zipp, F.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 78
(2): 198-200.
February 2007
Multiple sclerosis: longitudinal measurement of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist.
Voltz, R., Hartmann, M., Spuler, S., Scheller, A., Mai, N., Hohlfeld, R. and Yousry, T.
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 62
(2): 200-201.
February 1997
This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 02:46:43 2025 UTC.