Animal experiments - An essential component for the development of liposomal anticancer agents.
Fichtner, I., Reszka, R., Arndt, D. and Zeisig, R.
Journal of Liposome Research 13
(1): 9-15.
3 December 2003
The influence of cholesterol and charge on the membrane domains of alkylphospholipid liposomes as studied by EPR.
Koklic, T., Sentjurc, M. and Zeisig, R.
Journal of Liposome Research 12
(4): 335-352.
November 2002
Glycoprotein mediated cell binding of lectin coated liposomes.
Schaefer, H., Stahn, R., Schreiber, J. and Schmidt, W.
Journal of Liposome Research 6
: 479-496.
1 January 1996
Alkylphosphocholines and alkylphosphocholine liposomes.
Arndt, D., Zeisig, R., Eue, I. and Fichtner, I.
Journal of Liposome Research 5
: 91-98.
1 January 1995
Pharmacological effects of carboplatin-liposomes (CPL) in mice: a review of present knowledge.
Fichtner, I., Reszka, R., Goan, S.R., Naundorf, H. and Hentschel, M.
Journal of Liposome Research 5
: 75-89.
1 January 1995
Interaction of liposomes with the human skin lipid barrier: hSCLLs as model system - DSC of intact Stratum Corneum and in situ CLSM of human skin.
Lasch, J., Zellmer, S., Pfeil, W. and Schubert, R.
Journal of Liposome Research 5
: 99-108.
1 January 1995
Liposome mediated transfer of marker and cytokine genes into rat and human glioblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo.
Reszka, R., Zhu, J., Weber, F., Walther, W., Greferath, R. and Dyballa, S.
Journal of Liposome Research 5
: 149-167.
1 January 1995
Glycoliposomes - simple preparation and specific binding to lectin.
Stahn, R., Schaefer, H., Schreiber, J. and Brudel, M.
Journal of Liposome Research 5
: 61-73.
1 January 1995
Stimulation of hematopoiesis by carboplatin-liposomes.
Fichtner, I., Reszka, R., Becker, M., Lemm, M., Richter, J. and Rudolph, M.
Journal of Liposome Research 4
(1): 43-69.
March 1994
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