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Structural and thermodynamic characterization of the adrenodoxin-like domain of the electron-transfer protein Etp1 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Mueller, J.J., Hannemann, F., Schiffler, B., Ewen, K.M., Kappl, R., Heinemann, U. and Bernhardt, R.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 105 (7): 957-965. July 2011

The dipole moment of the electron carrier adrenodoxin is not critical for redox partner interaction and electron transfer.
Hannemann, F., Guyot, A., Zoellner, A., Mueller, J.J., Heinemann, U. and Bernhardt, R.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 103 (7): 997-1004. July 2009

The adrenodoxin-like ferredoxin of Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondria.
Schiffler, B., Bureik, M., Reinle, W., Mueller, E.C., Hannemann, F. and Bernhardt, R.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 98 (7): 1229-1237. 1 January 2004

Intermolecular electron transfer in cytochrome P450cam covalently bound with Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): structural changes detected by FTIR spectroscopy.
Contzen, J., Kostka, S., Kraft, R. and Jung, C.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 91 (4): 607-617. 20 September 2002

Spectroscopic studies of peroxyacetic acid reaction intermediates of cytochrome P450cam and chloroperoxidase.
Schuenemann, V., Jung, C., Terner, J., Trautwein, A.X. and Weiss, R.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 91 (4): 586-596. 20 September 2002

Autocatalytic nitration of P450cam peroxynitrite.
Daiber, A., Schoeneich, C., Schmidt, P., Jung, C. and Ullrich, V.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 81 (3): 213-220. 31 August 2000

Fe2+/ vitamin C -an appropriate in vitro model system to initiate lipid peroxidation.
Haberland, A., Damerau, W., Stoesser, R., Schimke, I. and Baumann, G.
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 61 : 43-53. 1 January 1996

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