Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Lack of evidence for participation of TMEM150C in sensory mechanotransduction.
Ojeda-Alonso, J., Bégay, V., Garcia-Contreras, J.A., Campos-Pérez, A.F., Purfürst, B. and Lewin, G.R.
Journal of General Physiology 154 (12): e202213098. 5 December 2022


Angiotensin 1-7 prevents the excessive force loss resulting from 14- and 28-day denervation in mouse EDL and soleus muscle.
Albadrani, H., Ammar, T., Bader, M. and Renaud, J.M.
Journal of General Physiology 153 (12): e201912556. 6 December 2021


Metformin improves diastolic function in an HFpEF-like mouse model by increasing titin compliance.
Slater, R.E., Strom, J.G., Methawasin, Mei, Liss, M., Gotthardt, M., Sweitzer, N. and Granzier, H.L.
Journal of General Physiology 151 (1): 42-52. January 2019


Neuron-astrocyte interactions in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body.
Reyes-Haro, D., Mueller, J., Boresch, M., Pivneva, T., Benedetti, B., Scheller, A., Nolte, C. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of General Physiology 135 (6): 583-594. June 2010


The principal neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body and NG2(+) glial cells receive coordinated excitatory synaptic input.
Mueller, J., Reyes-Haro, D., Pivneva, T., Nolte, C., Schaette, R., Luebke, J. and Kettenmann, H.
Journal of General Physiology 134 (2): 115-127. August 2009


Nonmuscle myosin motor of smooth muscle.
Loefgren, M., Ekblad, E., Morano, I. and Arner, A.
Journal of General Physiology 121 (4): 301-310. 31 March 2003


Permeation and block of the skeletal muscle chloride channel, ClC-1, by foreign anions.
Rychkov, G.Y., Pusch, M., Roberts, M.L., Jentsch, T.J. and Bretag, A.H.
Journal of General Physiology 111 (5): 653-665. May 1998


Inward rectification in ClC-0 chloride channels caused by mutations in several protein regions.
Ludewig, U., Jentsch, T.J. and Pusch, M.
Journal of General Physiology 110 (2): 165-171. August 1997

Temperature dependence of fast and slow gating relaxations of ClC-0 chloride channels.
Pusch, M., Ludewig, U. and Jentsch, T.J.
Journal of General Physiology 109 (1): 105-116. January 1997

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