Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Telmisartan prevents development of obesity and normalizes hypothalamic lipid droplets.
Rawish, E., Nickel, L., Schuster, F., Stoelting, I., Frydrychowicz, A., Saar, K., Hübner, N., Othman, A., Kuerschner, L. and Raasch, W.
Journal of Endocrinology 244 (1): 95-110. January 2020


Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, angiotensin-(1-7) and Mas: new players of the renin angiotensin system.
Santos, R.A.S., Ferreira, A.J., Verano-Braga, T. and Bader, M.
Journal of Endocrinology 216 (2): R1-R17. 18 January 2013


Stress sensitivity is increased in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
Mueller, H., Kroeger, J., Joehren, O., Szymczak, S., Bader, M., Dominiak, P. and Raasch, W.
Journal of Endocrinology 204 (1): 85-92. January 2010


Transforming growth factor β1 inhibits aldosterone and cortisol production in the human adrenocortical cell line NCI-H295R through inhibition of CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 expression.
Liakos, P., Lenz, D., Bernhardt, R., Feige, J.J. and Defaye, G.
Journal of Endocrinology 176 (1): 69-82. 1 January 2003

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