Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Polysialic acid in the rat brainstem and thoracolumbar spinal cord: distribution, cellular location and comparison with mouse.
Shahbazian, S., Bokiniec, P., Berning, B.A., McMullan, S. and Goodchild, A.K.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 529 (4): 811-827. March 2021


Specific paucity of unmyelinated C-fibers in cutaneous peripheral nerves of the African naked-mole rat: comparative analysis using six species of bathyergidae.
Smith, E.S.J., Purfürst, B., Grigoryan, T., Park, T.J., Bennett, N.C. and Lewin, G.R.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 520 (12): 2785-2803. 15 August 2012


Differential mRNA distribution of components of the ERK/MAPK signalling cascade in the adult mouse brain.
Di Benedetto, B., Hitz, C., Hoelter, S.M., Kuehn, R., Vogt Weisenhorn, D.M. and Wurst, W.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 500 (3): 542-556. 20 January 2007


Expression of the KCl cotransporter KCC2 parallels neuronal maturation and the emergence of low intracellular chloride.
Stein, V., Hermans-Borgmeyer, I., Jentsch, T.J. and Huebner, C.A.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 468 (1): 57-64. 1 January 2004


Subpopulations of proliferating cells of the adult hippocampus respond differently to physiologic neurogenic stimuli.
Kronenberg, G., Reuter, K., Steiner, B., Brandt, M.D., Jessberger, S., Yamaguchi, M. and Kempermann, G.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 467 (4): 455-463. 22 December 2003

Acquisition of neuronal and glial markers by neural crest-derived cells in the mouse intestine.
Young, H.M., Bergner, A.J. and Mueller, T.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 456 (1): 1-11. 27 January 2003


Characterization of microglial cells and their response to stimulation in an organotypic retinal culture system.
Mertsch, K., Hanisch, U.K., Kettenmann, H. and Schnitzer-Ungefug, J.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 431 (2): 217-227. 1 January 2001


Comparative localization of fibroblast growth factor receptor-1, -2, and -3 mRNAs in the rat brain: in situ hybridization analysis.
Belluardo, N., Wu, G., Mudo, G., Hansson, A.C., Pettersson, R. and Fuxe, K.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 379 (2): 226-246. 10 March 1997


Expression of the axonal cell adhesion molecules axonin 1 and ng cam during the development of the chick retinotectal system.
Rager, G., Morino, P., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J. and Sonderegger, P.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 365 (4): 594-609. 1 January 1996


Mueller glial cells of the tree shrew retina.
Reichenbach, A., Froemter, C., Engelmann, R., Wolburg, H., Kasper, M. and Schnitzer-Ungefug, J.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 360 : 257-270. 1 January 1995

Development of A-type (Axonless) horizontal cells in the rabbit retina.
Scheibe, R., Schnitzer-Ungefug, J., Roehrenbeck, J., Wohlrab, F. and Reichenbach, A.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 354 : 438-458. 1 January 1995

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