Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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RNA-bioinformatics: tools, services and databases for the analysis of RNA-based regulation.
Backofen, R., Engelhardt, J., Erxleben, A., Fallmann, J., Grüning, B., Ohler, U., Rajewsky, N. and Stadler, P.F.
Journal of Biotechnology 261 : 76-84. 10 November 2017

Strategies for analyzing bisulfite sequencing data.
Wreczycka, K., Gosdschan, A., Yusuf, D., Grüning, B., Assenov, Y. and Akalin, A.
Journal of Biotechnology 261 : 105-115. 10 November 2017

Fusion of SpCas9 to E.coli Rec A protein enhances CRISPR-Cas9 mediated gene knockout in mammalian cells.
Lin, L., Petersen, T.S., Jensen, K.T., Bolund, L., Kühn, R. and Luo, Y.
Journal of Biotechnology 247 : 42-49. 10 April 2017


A DNA-transposon-based approach to functional screening in neural stem cells.
Albieri, I., Onorati, M., Calabrese, G., Moiana, A., Biasci, D., Badaloni, A., Camnasio, S., Spiliotopoulos, D., Ivics, Z., Cattaneo, E. and Consalez, G.G.
Journal of Biotechnology 150 (1): 11-21. 1 October 2010


Sequence-based factors influencing the expression of heterologous genes in the yeast Pichia pastoris: A comparative view on 79 human genes.
Boettner, M., Steffens, C., von Mering, C., Bork, P., Stahl, U. and Lang, C.
Journal of Biotechnology 130 (1): 1-10. 31 May 2007


A bienzyme electrode for L-malate based on a novel and general design.
Gajovic, N., Warsinke, A. and Scheller, F.W.
Journal of Biotechnology 61 : 129-133. 1 January 1998


Protein analysis on a genomic scale.
Jungblut, P. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Journal of Biotechnology 41 : 111-120. 1 January 1995


Extension of incomplete cDNAs (ESTs) by biotin/streptavidin- mediated walking using the polymerase chain reaction.
Charnock-Jones, D.S., Platzer, M. and Rosenthal, A.
Journal of Biotechnology 35 : 205-215. 1 January 1994


Expression of the Bacillus subtilis levanase gene in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Wanker, E.E., Schorgendorfer, K. and Schwab, H.
Journal of Biotechnology 18 : 243-254. 1 May 1991

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