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Diurnal timing of physical activity in relation to obesity and diabetes in the German National Cohort (NAKO).
Stein, M.J., Weber, A., Bamberg, F., Baurecht, H., Berger, K., Bohmann, P., Brenner, H., Brummer, J., Dörr, M., Fischer, B., Gastell, S., Greiser, K.H., Harth, V., Hebestreit, A., Heise, J.K., Herbolsheimer, F., Ittermann, T., Karch, A., Keil, T., Kluttig, A., Krist, L., Michels, K.B., Mikolajczyk, R., Nauck, M., Nimptsch, K., Obi, N., Pischon, T., Pivovarova-Ramich, O., Schikowski, T., Schmidt, B., Schulze, M.B., Steindorf, K., Zylla, S. and Leitzmann, M.F
International Journal of Obesity 24 January 2025 (In Press)


Hypoxia and exercise interactions on skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome: results of a randomized controlled trial.
Mai, K., Klug, L., Rakova, N., Piper, S.K., Mähler, A., Bobbert, T., Schulz-Menger, J., Spranger, J., Boschmann, M. and Luft, F.C.
International Journal of Obesity 44 (5): 1119-1128. May 2020


Prediction of activity related energy expenditure using accelerometer derived physical activity under free-living conditions-a systematic review.
Jeran, S., Steinbrecher, A. and Pischon, T.
International Journal of Obesity 40 (8): 1187-1197. August 2016


Interaction of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids and adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein in the modulation of cardiomyocyte contractility.
Lamounier-Zepter, V., Look, C., Schunck, W.H., Schlottmann, I., Woischwill, C., Bornstein, S.R., Xu, A. and Morano, I.
International Journal of Obesity 39 (5): 755-761. May 2015


Linking diet, physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and obesity to serum metabolite networks: findings from a population-based study.
Floegel, A., Wientzek, A., Bachlechner, U., Jacobs, S., Drogan, D., Prehn, C., Adamski, J., Krumsiek, J., Schulze, M.B., Pischon, T. and Boeing, H.
International Journal of Obesity 38 (11): 1388-1396. November 2014


Adipocyte-derived factors suppress heart contraction.
Look, C., Morano, I., Ehrhart-Bornstein, M., Bornstein, S.R. and Lamounier-Zepter, V.
International Journal of Obesity 35 (1): 84-90. January 2011


Influence of Sibutramine on blood pressure: evidence from placebo-controlled trials.
Jordan, J., Scholze, J., Matiba, B., Wirth, A., Hauner, H. and Sharma, A.M.
International Journal of Obesity 29 : 509-516. 1 January 2005

The Third International Symposium on Obesity and Hypertension ISOH'03: 'Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms' (October 23-25, 2003, Berlin Germany).
Sharma, A.M., Engeli, S. and Luft, F.C.
International Journal of Obesity 29 : 727-734. 1 January 2005


Second international symposium on obesity and hypertension: genetics and molecular mechanisms, 25-27 October 2001, Berlin, Germany.
Sharma, A.M.
International Journal of Obesity 26 (10): 1283-1288. October 2002

Habitual fat intake and basal fat oxidation in obese and non-obese Caucasians.
Kunz, I., Schorr, U., Roemmling, K., Klaus, S. and Sharma, A.M.
International Journal of Obesity 26 (2): 150-156. February 2002


Sibutramine in overweight/obese hypertensive patients.
Sharma, A.M.
International Journal of Obesity 25 (Suppl 4): S20-S23. December 2001

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-308 G/A polymorphism in obese Caucasians.
Brand, E., Schorr, U., Kunz, I., Kertmen, E., Ringel, J., Distler, A. and Sharma, A.M.
International Journal of Obesity 25 : 581-585. 1 January 2001

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