Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Associations of ultra-processed food intake with maternal weight change and cardiometabolic health and infant growth.
Cummings, J.R., Lipsky, L.M., Schwedhelm, C., Liu, A. and Nansel, T.R.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 19 (1): 61. 26 May 2022


Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course: a 'Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review.
Jaeschke, L., Steinbrecher, A., Luzak, A., Puggina, A., Aleksovska, K., Buck, C., Burns, C., Cardon, G., Carlin, A., Chantal, S., Ciarapica, D., Condello, G., Coppinger, T., Cortis, C., De Craemer, M., D'Haese, S., Di Blasio, A., Hansen, S., Iacoviello, L., Issartel, J., Izzicupo, P., Kanning, M., Kennedy, A., Ling, F.C.M., Napolitano, G., Nazare, J.A., Perchoux, C., Polito, A., Ricciardi, W., Sannella, A., Schlicht, W., Sohun, R., MacDonncha, C., Boccia, S., Capranica, L., Schulz, H. and Pischon, T.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14 (1): 173. 20 December 2017

Behavioral determinants of physical activity across the life course: a "DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity" (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review.
Condello, G., Puggina, A., Aleksovska, K., Buck, C., Burns, C., Cardon, G., Carlin, A., Simon, C., Ciarapica, D., Coppinger, T., Cortis, C., D'Haese, S., De Craemer, M., Di Blasio, A., Hansen, S., Iacoviello, L., Issartel, J., Izzicupo, P., Jaeschke, L., Kanning, M., Kennedy, Ai., Ling, F.C.M., Luzak, A., Napolitano, G., Nazare, J.-A., Perchoux, C., Pesce, C., Pischon, T., Polito, A., Sannella, A., Schulz, H., Sohun, R., Steinbrecher, A., Schlicht, W., Ricciardi, W., MacDonncha, C., Capranica, L. and Boccia, S.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14 (1): 58. 2 May 2017

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