Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Browse by Journal Title

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Jump to: 2010 | 1995 | 1993 | 1992


Comparison of the effect of orally administered soluble β-(1-3),(1-6)-D-glucan and of G-CSF on the recovery of murine hematopoiesis.
Harnack, U., Eckert, K., Fichtner, I. and Pecher, G.
In Vivo 24 (1): 59-63. January 2010


Influence of liposomes rich in unsaturated or saturated fatty acids on the growth of human xenotransplanted mammary carcinomas and on the levels of heart type fatty acid binding protein.
Naundorf, H., Zschiesche, W., Reszka, R. and Fichtner, I.
In Vivo 9 : 247-252. 1 January 1995


In vivo characterization of immunogenicity of a mitoxantrone-resistant murine P388 leukemia.
Fichtner, I., Reipert, B., Becker, M. and Lemm, M.
In Vivo 7 (1): 73-80. January 1993


Measurements of carbon clearance in mice as toxicity parameter for liposomal preparations.
Fichtner, I., Kniest, A. and Arndt, D.
In Vivo 6 : 113-118. 1 January 1992

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