Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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A fraction of MCM 2 proteins remain associated with replication foci during a major part of S phase.
Masata, M., Juda, P., Raska, O., Cardoso, M.C. and Raska, I.
Folia Biologica Prague 57 (1): 3-11. 2011


Impairment of sox9 expression in limb buds of rats homozygous for hypodactyly mutation.
Liska, F., Snajdr, P., Stricker, S., Goesele, C., Krenova, D., Mundlos, S. and Huebner, N.
Folia Biologica Prague 56 (2): 58-65. 2010


Molecular analysis of the sex hormone-binding globulin gene in the rat hypodactylous mutation (Hd).
Liska, F., Gösele, C., Kren, V., Hübner, N. and Krenova, D.
Folia Biologica Prague 50 (2): 63-68. 1 January 2004


Estradiol receptors and metastasis in human breast cancer.
Goerlich, M. and Jandrig, B.
Folia Biologica Prague 42 : 3-10. 1 January 1996


Observations with tumour necrosis factor gene-transfected tumours.
Blankenstein, T.
Folia Biologica Prague 40 : 19-28. 1 January 1994

Behavior in vitro of long-term cultured bone marrow or blood cells from chronic myeloid leukemia: adhesion molecules and differentiation antigens as detected by immunocytochemistry.
Pasternak, G. and Pasternak, L.
Folia Biologica Prague 40 : 439-455. 1 January 1994


Enrichment of Estradiol Receptor from Calf Uterus.
Dietrich, W., Wand, H., Helbing, D. and Goerlich, M.
Folia Biologica Prague 39 : 58-61. 1 January 1993

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