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Single-cell lineage tracing approaches in hematology research: technical considerations.
Carrelha, J., Lin, D.S., Rodriguez-Fraticelli, A.E., Luis, T.C., Wilkinson, A.C., Cabezas-Wallscheid, N., Tremblay, C.S. and Haas, S.
Experimental Hematology 89 : 26-36. September 2020

Lineage commitment of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors: insights from recent single cell and lineage tracing technologies.
Loughran, S.J., Haas, S., Wilkinson, A.C., Klein, A.M. and Brand, M.
Experimental Hematology 88 : 1-6. August 2020

The oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 2 (OLIG2) is epigenetically regulated in acute myeloid leukemia.
Yalcin, A., Kovarbasic, M., Wehrle, J., Claus, R., Becker, H., Abdelkarim, M., Gaidzik, V.I., Schmidts, A., Wäsch, R., Pahl, H.L., Döhner, K., Bullinger, L., Duyster, J., Lübbert, M. and Hackanson, B.
Experimental Hematology 55 : 76-85. November 2017

Technical considerations for the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in hematology research.
Gundry, M.C., Dever, D.P., Yudovich, D., Bauer, D.E., Haas, S., Wilkinson, A.C. and Singbrant, S.
Experimental Hematology 54 : 4-11. October 2017

Transitory dasatinib-resistant states in KIT(mut) t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia cells correlate with altered KIT expression.
Herrmann, M.D., Lennerz, J.K., Bullinger, L., Bartholomae, S., Holzmann, K., Westhoff, M.A., Corbacioglu, S. and Debatin, K.M.
Experimental Hematology 42 (2): 90-100. February 2014

Developmental stage-specific shift in responsiveness to chemokines during human B-cell development.
Honczarenko, M., Glodek, A.M., Swierkowski, M., Na, I.K. and Silberstein, L.E.
Experimental Hematology 34 (8): 1093-1100. August 2006

CD95/Fas-triggered apoptosis of activated T lymphocytes is prevented by dendritic cells through a CD58-dependent mechanism.
Daniel, P.T., Scholz, C., Essmann, F., Westermann, J., Pezzutto, A. and Doerken, B.
Experimental Hematology 27 : 1402-1408. 1 September 1999

Combined positive/negative purging and transplantation of peripheral blood progenitor cell autografts in breast cancer patients: a pilot study.
Mapara, M.Y., Koerner, I.J., Lentzsch, S., Krahl, D., Reichardt, P. and Doerken, B.
Experimental Hematology 27 : 169-175. 1 January 1999

Antibodies TC-12 ("unique") and TH-111 (CD96) characterize T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a subgroup of acute myeloid leukemia.
Gramatzki, M., Ludwig, W.D., Burger, R., Moos, P., Rohwer, P., Grunert, C., Sendler, A., Kalden, J.R., Andreesen, R., Henschke, F. and Moldenhauer, G.
Experimental Hematology 26 : 1209-1214. 1 December 1998

Successful retroviral mediated transduction of a receptor gene in human dendritic cells: feasibility of therapy with gene-modified antigen presenting cells.
Aicher, A., Westermann, J., Cayeux, S., Willimsky, G., Daemen, K., Blankenstein, T., Uckert, W., Doerken, B. and Pezzutto, A.
Experimental Hematology 25 : 39-44. 1 January 1997

Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-controlled immunomagnetic purging of breast cancer cells using the magnetic cell separation (MACS) system: a sensitive method for monitoring purging efficiency.
Hildebrandt, M., Mapara, M.Y., Koerner, I.J., Bargou, R.C., Moldenhauer, G. and Doerken, B.
Experimental Hematology 25 : 57-65. 1 January 1997

Increased serum levels of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor after autologous bone marrow or blood stem cell transplantation.
Haas, R., Gericke, G., Witt, B., Cayeux, S. and Hunstein, W.
Experimental Hematology 21 (1): 109-113. 1 January 1993

Adherent-cell-dependent stimulation of CFU-GM by nucleobases, nucleosides, their analogues, and the hemoregulatory peptide dimer.
Langen, P., Schunck, H., Hunger, B., Schuett, M. and Laerum, O.D.
Experimental Hematology 20 : 196-200. 1 January 1992


Expression profiling of leukemia patients: key lessons and future directions.
Shivarov, V. and Bullinger, L.
Experimental Hematology 42 (8): 651-60. August 2014

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