Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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An oscillatory network controlling self-renewal of skeletal muscle stem cells.
Lahmann, I., Zhang, Y., Baum, K., Wolf, J. and Birchmeier, C.
Experimental Cell Research 409 (2): 112933. 15 December 2021

Challenges in cell transplantation for muscular dystrophy.
Galli, F., Mouly, V., Butler-Browne, G. and Cossu, G.
Experimental Cell Research 409 (1): 112908. 1 December 2021


Down-regulation of Aquaporin-1 mediates a microglial phenotype switch affecting glioma growth.
Hu, F., Huang, Y., Semtner, M., Zhao, K., Tan, Z., Dzaye, O., Kettenmann, H., Shu, K. and Lei, T.
Experimental Cell Research 396 (2): 112323. 15 November 2020

Evolution of new proteins from translated sORFs in long non-coding RNAs.
Ruiz-Orera, J., Villanueva-Cañas, J.L. and Albà, M.M.
Experimental Cell Research 391 (1): 111940. 1 June 2020


Identification of the GTPase-activating protein DEP domain containing 1B (DEPDC1B) as a transcriptional target of Pitx2.
Wu, D., Zhu, X., Jimenez-Cowell, K., Mold, A.J., Sollecito, C.C., Lombana, N., Jiao, M. and Wei, Q.
Experimental Cell Research 333 (1): 80-92. 10 April 2015


Introduction to the ECR special angiogenesis issue.
Claesson-Welsh, L. and Gerhardt, H.
Experimental Cell Research 319 (9): 1239. 15 May 2013

Regulation of angiogenesis by PI3K signaling networks.
Graupera, M. and Potente, M.
Experimental Cell Research 319 (9): 1348-1355. 15 May 2013


Generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells from different genetic backgrounds using Sleeping beauty transposon mediated gene transfer.
Muenthaisong, S., Ujhelly, O., Polgar, Z., Varga, E., Ivics, Z., Pirity, M.K. and Dinnyes, A.
Experimental Cell Research 318 (19): 2482-2489. 15 November 2012


The tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 controls urokinase-dependent signaling and functions in human vascular smooth muscle cells.
Kiyan, J., Haller, H. and Dumler, I.
Experimental Cell Research 315 (6): 1029-1039. 1 April 2009

ErbB receptors and the development of the nervous system.
Birchmeier, C.
Experimental Cell Research 315 (4): 611-618. 15 February 2009


A mutation of keratin 18 within the coil 1A consensus motif causes widespread keratin aggregation but cell type-restricted lethality in mice.
Hesse, M., Grund, C., Herrmann, H., Broehl, D., Franz, T., Omary, M.B. and Magin, T.M.
Experimental Cell Research 313 (14): 3127-3140. 15 August 2007

Topoisomerase II binds importin alpha isoforms and exportin/CRM1 but does not shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm in proliferating cells.
Mirski, S.E.L., Sparks, K.E., Friedrich, B., Koehler, M., Mo, Y.Y., Beck, W.T. and Cole, S.P.C.
Experimental Cell Research 313 (3): 627-637. 1 February 2007


Characterization of a nuclear compartment shared by nuclear bodies applying ectopic protein expression and correlative light and electron microscopy.
Richter, K., Reichenzeller, M., Goerisch, S.M., Schmidt, U., Scheuermann, M.O., Herrmann, H. and Lichter, P.
Experimental Cell Research 303 : 128-137. 1 February 2005

Epstein-Barr virus-encoded EBNA-5 binds to Epstein-Barr virus-induced Fte1/S3a protein.
Kashuba, E., Yurchenko, M., Szirak, K., Stahl, J., Klein, G. and Szekely, L.
Experimental Cell Research 303 (1): 47-55. 1 January 2005


Fixation-induced redistribution of hyperphosphorylated RNA polymerase II in the nucleus of human cells.
Guillot, P.V., Xie, S.Q., Hollinshead, M. and Pombo, A.
Experimental Cell Research 295 (2): 460-468. 1 May 2004


Cell surface α2,6-sialylation affects adhesion of breast carcinoma cells.
Lin, S.Q., Kemmner, W., Grigull, S. and Schlag, P.M.
Experimental Cell Research 276 (1): 101-110. 15 May 2002


Action of insulin on the surface morphology of hepatocytes: role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in insulin-induced shape change of microvilli.
Lange, K., Brandt, U., Gartzke, J. and Bergmann, J.
Experimental Cell Research 239 : 139-151. 1 January 1998

Evidence for a hsp25-specific mechanism involved in transcriptional activation by heat shock.
Neininger, A. and Gaestel, M.
Experimental Cell Research 242 : 285-293. 1 January 1998

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