Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Influence of the skin barrier on the penetration of topically-applied dexamethasone probed by soft X-ray spectromicroscopy.
Yamamoto, K., Klossek, A., Flesch, R., Rancan, F., Weigand, M., Bykova, I., Bechtel, M., Ahlberg, S., Vogt, A., Blume-Peytavi, U., Schrade, P., Bachmann, S., Hedtrich, S., Schäfer-Korting, M. and Rühl, E.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 118 : 30-37. September 2017

Specific uptake mechanisms of well-tolerated thermoresponsive polyglycerol-based nanogels in antigen-presenting cells of the skin.
Edlich, Alexander, Gerecke, C., Giulbudagian, M., Neumann, F., Hedtrich, S., Schäfer-Korting, M., Ma, N., Calderon, M. and Kleuser, B.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 116 : 155-163. July 2017

Formulation and ex vivo evaluation of polymeric nanoparticles for controlled delivery of corticosteroids to the skin and the corneal epithelium.
Balzus, B., Sahle, F.F., Hönzke, S., Gerecke, C., Schumacher, F., Hedtrich, S., Kleuser, B. and Bodmeier, R.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 115 : 122-130. June 2017


Impact of structural differences in hyperbranched polyglycerol–polyethylene glycol nanoparticles on dermal drug delivery and biocompatibility.
Kumar, S., Alnasif, N., Fleige, E., Kurniasih, I., Kral, V., Haase, A., Luch, A., Weindl, G., Haag, R., Schäfer-Korting, M. and Hedtrich, S.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 88 (3): 625-34. November 2014


Polyglycerol coatings of glass vials for protein resistance.
Höger, K., Becherer, T., Qiang, W., Haag, R., Friess, W. and Küchler, S.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 85 (3 Pt A): 756-764. November 2013

Formulation development of lyophilized, long-term stable siRNA/oligoaminoamide polyplexes.
Kasper, J.C., Troiber, C., Küchler, S., Wagner, E. and Friess, W.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 85 (2): 294-305. October 2013

Comparison of four different particle sizing methods for siRNA polyplex characterization.
Troiber, C., Kasper, J.C., Milani, S., Scheible, M., Martin, I., Schaubhut, F., Küchler, S., Rädler, J., Simmel, F.C., Friess, W. and Wagner, E.
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 84 (2): 255-264. June 2013

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