Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Mitophagy modulation for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Forte, M., D'Ambrosio, L., Schiattarella, G.G., Salerno, N., Perrone, M.A., Loffredo, F.S., Bertero, E., Pilichou, K., Manno, G., Valenti, V., Spadafora, L., Bernardi, M., Simeone, B., Sarto, G., Frati, G., Perrino, C. and Sciarretta, S.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 54 (8): e14199. August 2024


Volume regulating hormone responses to repeated head-up tilt and lower body negative pressure.
Roessler, A., Goswami, N., Haditsch, B., Loeppky, J.A., Luft, F.C. and Hinghofer-Szalkay, H.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 41 (8): 863-869. August 2011

Cigarette smoke elicits relaxation of renal arteries.
Halmai, R., Szijarto, I.A., Feher, E., Fesues, G., Molnar, G.A., Brasnyo, P., Fueloep, F., Gollasch, M., Koller, A. and Wittmann, I.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 41 (2): 195-202. February 2011


Improvement of fractional flow reserve and collateral flow by treatment with external counterpulsation (Art.Net.-2 Trial).
Buschmann, E.E., Utz, W., Pagonas, N., Schulz-Menger, J., Busjahn, A., Monti, J., Maerz, W., le Noble, F., Thierfelder, L., Dietz, R., Klauss, V., Gross, M. and Buschmann, I.R.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 39 (10): 866-875. October 2009

Long-term clopidogrel administration following severe coronary injury reduces proliferation and inflammation via inhibition of nuclear factor-κB and activator protein 1 activation in pigs.
Pels, K., Schwimmbeck, P.L., Rosenthal, P., Loddenkemper, C., Dang-Heine, C., Rauch, U., Martens, H., Schultheiss, H.P., Dechend, R. and Deiner, C.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 39 (3): 174-182. March 2009


Prostaglandin receptors mediate effects of substances released from ischaemic rat hearts on non-ischaemic cardiomyocytes.
Birkenmeier, K., Janke, I., Schunck, W.H., Trimpert, C., Krieg, T., Landsberger, M., Voelker, U., Felix, S.B. and Staudt, A.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 38 (12): 902-909. December 2008


Effects of anti-C5a monoclonal antibodies on oxygen use in a porcine model of severe sepsis.
Mohr, M., Höpken, U., Oppermann, M., Mathes, C., Goldmann, K., Siever, S., Goetze, O. and Burchardi, H.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 28 (3): 227-234. March 1998


Apolipoprotein E2 (Arg-136->Cys), a variant of apolipoprotein e associated with late-onset dominance of type III hyperlipoproteinaemia.
Feussner, G., Albanese, M., Mann, W.A., Valencia, A. and Schuster, H.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 26 (1): 13-23. 1 January 1996


Identification of defective binding of low density lipoprotein by the U937 proliferation assay in German patients with familial defective apolipoprotein B-100.
Schewe, K., Schuster, H., Hailer, S., Wolfram, G., Keller, C. and Zoellner, N.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 24 : 36-41. 1 January 1994

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