Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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New universal primers facilitate PyrosequencingTM.
Aydin, A., Toliat, M.R., Bähring, S., Becker, C. and Nürnberg, P.
Electrophoresis 27 (2): 394-397. January 2006


Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays demonstrate high fidelity of multiple displacement-based whole-genome amplification.
Tzvetkov, M.V., Becker, C., Kulle, B., Nuernberg, P., Brockmoeller, J. and Wojnowski, L.
Electrophoresis 26 (3): 710-715. 1 January 2005


Comparative proteome analysis of culture supernatant proteins from virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and attenuated M-bovis BCG Copenhagen.
Mattow, J., Schaible, U.E., Schmidt, F., Hagens, K., Siejak, R., Brestrich, G., Haeselbarth, G., Mueller, E.C., Jungblut, P.R. and Kaufmanni, S.H.E.
Electrophoresis 24 (19-20): 3405-3420. 1 January 2003

Identification of nuclear proteins of small cell lung cancer cell line H82: An improved procedure for the analysis of silver-stained proteins.
Gonzalez, L.J., Castellanos-Serra, L., Badock, V., Diaz, M., Moro, A., Perea, S., Santos, A., Paz-Lago, D., Otto, A., Mueller, E.C., Kostka, S., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Padron, G.
Electrophoresis 24 (1-2): 237-252. January 2003


Evaluation of a potential epigenetic biomarker by quantitative methyl-single nucleotide polymorphism analysis.
Uhlmann, K., Brinckmann, A., Toliat, M.R., Ritter, H. and Nuernberg, P.
Electrophoresis 23 (24): 4072-4079. December 2002


Prefractionation of protein samples for proteome analysis using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography.
Badock, V., Steinhusen, U., Bommert, K. and Otto, A.
Electrophoresis 22 (14): 2856-2864. 1 January 2001

Identification of proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis missing in attenuated Mycobacterium bovis BCG strains.
Mattow, J., Jungblut, P.R., Schaible, U.E., Mollenkopf, H.J., Lamer, S., Zimny-Arndt, U., Hagens, K., Mueller, E.C. and Kaufmann, S.H.E.
Electrophoresis 22 : 2936-2946. 1 January 2001

Analysis of mouse beta-haptoglobin chain by lectin affinoblotting detection.
Roemer, I., Vogel, T., Otto, A., Fichtner, I. and Klose, J.
Electrophoresis 22 : 3038-3042. 1 January 2001


Protein kinase Calpha-dependent phosphorylation of golgi proteins.
Radau, B., Otto, A., Mueller, E.C. and Westermann, P.
Electrophoresis 21 : 2684-2687. 1 July 2000

Analysis of the NF1 gene by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis reveals a high incidence of mutations in exon 4b.
Toliat, M.R., Erdogan, F., Gewies, A., Fahsold, R., Buske, A., Tinschert, S. and Nuernberg, P.
Electrophoresis 21 : 541-544. 1 February 2000


Proteomics in human disease: cancer,heart and infectious diseases.
Jungblut, P.R., Zimny-Arndt, U., Zeindl-Eberhart, E., Stulik, J., Koupilova, K., Pleissner, K.P., Otto, A., Mueller, E.C., Sokolowska-Koehler, W., Grabher, G. and Stoeffler, G.
Electrophoresis 20 (10): 2100-2110. July 1999

Changes in methylation patterns identified by two-dimensional DNA fingerprinting.
Uhlmann, K., Marczinek, K., Hampe, J., Thiel, G. and Nuernberg, P.
Electrophoresis 20 : 1748-1755. 1 June 1999

Study of Burkitt lymphoma cell line proteins by high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry.
Mueller, E.C., Schuemann, M., Rickers, A., Bommert, K., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Otto, A.
Electrophoresis 20 : 320-330. 1 February 1999


Bipolar clamping improves the sensitivity of mutation detection by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis.
Gille, C., Gille, A., Booms, P., Robinson, P.N. and Nuernberg, P.
Electrophoresis 19 : 1347-1350. 1 June 1998


Identification and characterization of heat shock protein 27 protein species in human myocardial two-dimensional electrophoresis patterns.
Scheler, C., Mueller, E.C., Stahl, J., Mueller-Werdan, U., Salnikov, J. and Jungblut, P.
Electrophoresis 18 : 2823-2831. 1 January 1997


Identification of human myocardial proteins separated by two-dimensonal electrophoresis using an effective sample preparation for mass spectrometry.
Otto, A., Thiede, B., Mueller, E.C., Scheler, C., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Jungblut, P.
Electrophoresis 17 (10): 1643-1650. 1 October 1996

Resolution power of two-dimensional electrophoresis and identification of proteins from gels.
Jungblut, P., Thiede, B., Zimny-Arndt, U., Mueller, E.C., Scheler, C., Wittmann-Liebold, B. and Otto, A.
Electrophoresis 17 (5): 839-847. 1 May 1996

Plasma protein adsorption pattern on liposomes - establishment of analytical procedure.
Diederichs, J.E.
Electrophoresis 17 : 607-611. 1 January 1996

High-performance human myocardial two-dimensional electrophoresis database: Edition 1996.
Mueller, E.C., Thiede, B., Zimny-Arndt, U., Scheler, C., Prehm, J., Mueller-Werdan, U., Wittmann-Liebold, B., Otto, A. and Jungblut, P.
Electrophoresis 17 : 1700-1712. 1 January 1996

Identification of human myocardial proteins separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.
Thiede, B., Otto, A., Zimny-Arndt, U., Mueller, E.C. and Jungblut, P.
Electrophoresis 17 (3): 588-599. 1 January 1996


A silver stain protocol for proteins yielding high resolution and transparent background in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels.
Swain, M. and Ross, N.W.
Electrophoresis 16 (6): 948-951. 1 June 1995

A novel strategy to identify maternal and paternal inheritance in the mouse.
Roemer, I., Jungblut, P., Reik, W., Otto, A. and Klose, J.
Electrophoresis 16 : 823-830. 1 January 1995


Protein composition of the human heart: the construction of a myocardial two-dimensional electrophoresis database.
Jungblut, P., Otto, A., Zeindl-Eberhart, E., Pleissner, K.P., Knecht, M., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Fleck, E. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Electrophoresis 15 (5): 685-707. 1 May 1994


Identification of human myocard proteins separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis.
Jungblut, P., Otto, A., Regitz, V., Fleck, E. and Wittmann-Liebold, B.
Electrophoresis 13 : 739-741. 1 January 1992

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