Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Successful generation of fully human, second generation, anti-CD19 CAR T cells for clinical use in patients with diverse autoimmune disorders.
Mougiakakos, D., Sengupta, R., Gold, R., Schroers, R., Haghikia, A., Lorente, M., Pendleton, M., Register, A., Heesen, C., Kröger, N., Schett, G., Mackensen, A., Podoll, A., Gutman, J., Furie, R., Bayer, R., Distler, J.H.W., Dietrich, S., Krönke, G., Bullinger, L. and Walker, K.
Cytotherapy 27 (2): 236-246. February 2024


Rapid single-cell identification of Epstein-Barr virus-specific T-cell receptors for cellular therapy.
Lammoglia Cobo, M.F., Welters, C., Rosenberger, L., Leisegang, M., Dietze, K., Pircher, C., Penter, L., Gary, R., Bullinger, L., Takvorian, A., Moosmann, A., Dornmair, K., Blankenstein, T., Kammertöns, T., Gerbitz, A. and Hansmann, L.
Cytotherapy 24 (8): 818-826. August 2022


Replicative aging and differentiation potential of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells expanded in pooled human or fetal bovine serum.
Bieback, K., Hecker, A., Schlechter, T., Hofmann, I., Brousos, N., Redmer, T., Besser, D., Klueter, H., Mueller, A.M. and Becker, M.
Cytotherapy 14 (5): 570-583. May 2012


Intrahepatically transplanted human cord blood cells reduce SW480 tumor growth in the presence of bispecific EpCAM/CD3 antibody.
Wulf-Goldenberg, A., Eckert, K. and Fichtner, I.
Cytotherapy 13 (1): 108-113. January 2011


Suspension medium influences interaction of mesenchymal stromal cells with endothelium and pulmonary toxicity after transplantation in mice.
Deak, E., Ruester, B., Keller, L., Eckert, K., Fichtner, I., Seifried, E. and Henschler, R.
Cytotherapy 12 (2): 260-264. April 2010

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