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Social play behavior is driven by glycine-dependent mechanisms.
Dvorzhak, A., Brecht, M. and Schmitz, D.
Current Biology 34 (16): 3654-3664.e6. 19 August 2024

Cortical cellular encoding of thermotactile integration.
Schnepel, P., Paricio-Montesinos, R., Ezquerra-Romano, I., Haggard, P. and Poulet, J.F.A.
Current Biology 34 (8): 1718-1730. 22 April 2024


The role of intraspinal sensory neurons in the control of quadrupedal locomotion.
Gerstmann, K., Jurčić, N., Blasco, E., Kunz, S., de Almeida Sassi, F., Wanaverbecq, N. and Zampieri, N.
Current Biology 32 (11): 2442-2453. 6 June 2022

Hypothalamic galanin-producing neurons regulate stress in zebrafish through a peptidergic, self-inhibitory loop.
Corradi, L., Bruzzone, M., Maschio, M.D., Sawamiphak, S. and Filosa, A.
Current Biology 32 (7): 1497-1510. 11 April 2022

Inflammation and convergent placenta gene co-option contributed to a novel reproductive tissue.
Hilgers, L., Roth, O., Nolte, A.W., Schüller, A., Spanke, T., Flury, J.M., Utama, I.V., Altmüller, J., Wowor, D., Misof, B., Herder, F., Böhne, A. and Schwarzer, J.
Current Biology 32 (3): 715-724. 7 February 2022


Ice-age climate adaptations trap the alpine marmot in a state of low genetic diversity.
Gossmann, T.I., Shanmugasundram, A., Börno, S., Duvaux, L., Lemaire, C., Kuhl, H., Klages, S., Roberts, L.D., Schade, S., Gostner, J.M., Hildebrand, F., Vowinckel, J., Bichet, C., Mülleder, M., Calvani, E., Zelezniak, A., Griffin, J.L., Bork, P., Allaine, D., Cohas, A., Welch, J.J., Timmermann, B. and Ralser, M.
Current Biology 29 (10): 1712-1720. 20 May 2019

Estrus-cycle regulation of cortical inhibition.
Clemens, A.M., Lenschow, C., Beed, P., Li, L., Sammons, R., Naumann, R.K., Wang, H., Schmitz, D. and Brecht, M.
Current Biology 29 (4): 605-615. 18 February 2019


Mitochondrial homeostasis: How do dimers of mitofusins mediate mitochondrial fusion?
Daumke, O. and Roux, A.
Current Biology 27 (9): R353-R356. 8 May 2017


PI4K2β/AP-1-based TGN-endosomal sorting regulates Wnt signaling.
Wieffer, M., Cibrian Uhalte, E., Posor, Y., Otten, C., Branz, K., Schuetz, I., Moessinger, J., Schu, P., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Krauss, M. and Haucke, V.
Current Biology 23 (21): 2185-2190. 4 November 2013


Endocytosis genes facilitate protein and membrane transport in C. elegans sensory cilia.
Kaplan, O.I., Doroquez, D.B., Cevik, S., Bowie, R.V., Clarke, L., Sanders, A.A.W.M., Kida, K., Rappoport, J.Z., Sengupta, P. and Blacque, O.E.
Current Biology 22 (6): 451-460. 20 March 2012


The hair follicle as a dynamic miniorgan.
Schneider, M.R., Schmidt-Ullrich, R. and Paus, R.
Current Biology 19 (3): R132-T142. 10 February 2009


Protein quality control: On IPODs and other JUNQ.
Bagola, K. and Sommer, T.
Current Biology 18 (21): R1019-R1021. 11 November 2008

Cargo-selected transport from the mitochondria to peroxisomes is mediated by vesicular carriers.
Neuspiel, M., Schauss, A.C., Braschi, E., Zunino, R., Rippstein, P., Rachubinski, R.A., Andrade-Navarro, M.A. and McBride, H.M.
Current Biology 18 (2): 102-108. 22 January 2008


Horizontal gene transfer of two cytoskeletal elements from a eukaryote to a cyanobacterium.
Guljamow, A., Jenke-Kodama, H., Saumweber, H., Quillardet, P., Frangeul, L., Castets, A.M., Bouchier, C., Tandeau de Marsac, N. and Dittmann, E.
Current Biology 17 (17): R757-R759. 4 September 2007


Computational models for neurogenic gene expression in the Drosophila embryo.
Zinzen, R.P., Senger, K., Levine, M. and Papatsenko, D.
Current Biology 16 (13): 1358-1365. 11 July 2006

A genome-wide map of conserved microRNA targets in C. elegans.
Lall, S., Grun, D., Krek, A., Chen, K., Wang, Y.L., Dewey, C.N., Sood, P., Colombo, T., Bray, N., Macmenamin, P., Kao, H.L., Gunsalus, K.C., Pachter, L., Piano, F. and Rajewsky, N.
Current Biology 16 (5): 460-471. 7 March 2006


Identification of novel argonaute-associated proteins.
Meister, G., Landthaler, M., Peters, L., Chen, P.Y., Urlaub, H., Luehrmann, R. and Tuschl, T.
Current Biology 15 (23): 2149-2155. 6 December 2005

Sox9 is essential for outer root sheath differentiation and the formation of the hair stem cell compartment.
Vidal, V.P., Chaboissier, M.C., Luetzkendorf, S., Cotsarelis, G., Mill, P., Hui, C.C., Ortonne, N., Ortonne, J.P. and Schedl, A.
Current Biology 15 (15): 1340-1351. 9 August 2005

A role for E2F6 in the restriction of male-germ-cell-specific gene expression.
Pohlers, M., Truss, M., Frede, U., Scholz, A., Strehle, M., Kuban, R.J., Hoffmann, B., Morkel, M., Birchmeier, C. and Hagemeier, C.
Current Biology 15 (11): 1051-1057. 1 January 2005


Ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 is required for pre-mRNA splicing and localization of an essential splicing factor in fission yeast.
Wilkinson, C.R., Dittmar, G.A., Ohi, M.D., Uetz, P., Jones, N. and Finley, D.
Current Biology 14 : 2283-2288. 29 December 2004

The human DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 8 and its D. melanogaster homolog are required for miRNA biogenesis.
Landthaler, M., Yalcin, A. and Tuschl, T.
Current Biology 14 (23): 2162-2167. 14 December 2004

Drosophila development: RNA interference ab ovo.
Chekulaeva, M. and Ephrussi, A.
Current Biology 14 (11): R428-R430. 8 June 2004


Neurotrophin-4: a survival factor for adult sensory neurons.
Stucky, C.L., Shin, J.B. and Lewin, G.R.
Current Biology 12 (16): 1401-1404. 20 August 2002


The Spir actin organizers are involved in vesicle transport processes.
Kerkhoff, E., Simpson, J.C., Leberfinger, C.B., Otto, I.M., Doerks, T., Bork, P., Rapp, U.R., Raabe, T. and Pepperkok, R.
Current Biology 11 : 1963-1968. 11 December 2001

Positional cloning of heart and soul reveals multiple roles for PKC lambda in zebrafish organogenesis.
Horne-Badovinac, S., Lin, D., Waldron, S., Schwarz, M., Mbamalu, G., Pawson, T., Jan, Y., Stainier, D.Y. and Abdelilah-Seyfried, S.
Current Biology 11 (19): 1492-1502. 2 October 2001

Distinct functional properties of the TAP subunits coordinate the nucleotide-dependent transport cycle.
Alberts, P., Daumke, O., Deverson, E.V., Howard, J.C. and Knittler, M.R.
Current Biology 11 (4): 242-51. 20 February 2001


The p150-Spir protein provides a link between c-Jun N-terminal kinase function and actin reorganization.
Otto, I.M., Raabe, T., Rennefahrt, U.E., Bork, P., Rapp, U.R. and Kerkhoff, E.
Current Biology 10 : 345-348. 23 March 2000


A role of the cryptic gene in the correct establishment of the left-right axis.
Gaio, U., Schweickert, A., Fischer, A., Garratt, A.N., Mueller, T., Oezcelik, C., Lankes, W., Strehle, M., Britsch, S., Blum, M. and Birchmeier, C.
Current Biology 9 (22): 1339-1342. 18 November 1999

Phospholipases A2 and Wnts are unlikely to share a common ancestor.
Copley, R.R., Ponting, C.P. and Bork, P.
Current Biology 9 : R718-R719. 7 October 1999

A latrophilin/CL-1-like GPS domain in polycystin-1.
Ponting, C.P., Hofmann, K. and Bork, P.
Current Biology 9 (16): R585-R588. 26 August 1999

Urokinase-induced mitogenesis is mediated by casein kinase 2 and nucleolin.
Dumler, I., Stepanova, V., Jerke, U., Mayboroda, O.A., Vogel, F., Bouvet, P., Tkachuk, V., Haller, H. and Gulba, D.C.
Current Biology 9 : 1468-1476. 1 January 1999


Environmental stimulation of 129/SvJ mice causes increased cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus.
Kempermann, G., Brandon, E.P. and Gage, F.H.
Current Biology 8 : 939-942. 30 July 1998

Engineered mutants of HGF/SF with reduced binding to heparan sulphate proteoglycans, decreased clearance and enhanced activity in vivo.
Hartmann, G., Prospero, T., Brinkmann, V., Ozcelik, O., Winter, G., Hepple, J., Batley, S., Bladt, F., Sachs, M., Birchmeier, C., Birchmeier, W. and Gherardi, E.
Current Biology 8 (3): 125-134. 29 January 1998


Mammalian homologues of C. elegans PAR-1 are asymmetrically localized in epithelial cells and may influence their polarity.
Boehm, M., Brinkmann, V., Drab, M., Henske, A. and Kurzchalia, T.V.
Current Biology 7 (8): 603-606. 1 August 1997


Metabolism and evolution of Haemophilus influenzae deduced from a whole genome comparison with Escherichia coli.
Tatusov, R.L., Mushegian, A.R., Bork, P., Brown, N.P., Hayes, W.S., Borodovsky, M., Rudd, K.E. and Koonin, E.V.
Current Biology 6 (3): 279-291. 1 January 1996


Two different subunits of importin cooperate to recognize nuclear localization signals and bind them to the nuclear envelope.
Goerlich, D., Kostka, S., Kraft, R., Dingwall, C., Laskey, R.A., Hartmann, E. and Prehn, S.
Current Biology 5 : 383-392. 1 January 1995

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