Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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The first aptamer-apheresis column specifically for clearing blood of beta1-receptor autoantibodies : a successful proof of principle using autoantibody-positive SHR rats.
Wallukat, G., Haberland, A., Berg, S., Schulz, A., Freyse, E.J., Dahmen, C., Kage, A., Dandel, M., Vetter, R., Salzsieder, E., Kreutz, R. and Schimke, I.
Circulation Journal 76 (10): 2449-2455. 25 September 2012

Anti-β-adrenoceptors autoimmunity causing 'idiopathic' arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy.
Brisinda, D., Sorbo, A.R., Venuti, A., Ruggieri, M.P., Manna, R., Fenici, P., Wallukat, G., Hoebeke, J., Frustaci, A. and Fenici, R.
Circulation Journal 76 (6): 1345-1353. 25 May 2012

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