Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Germline mutations including the rare pathogenic variant c.3206delC in the ATM gene cause ataxia teleangiectasia-associated primary central nervous system lymphoma.
Dörr, J.R., Thorwarth, A., Mizia-Malarz, A., Radke, J., Tietze, A., Hernáiz-Driever, P., Horn, D., Gratopp, A., Eggert, A. and Deubzer, H.E.
Children 8 (6): 469. June 2021

Clinical presentation and management of a dinutuximab beta extravasation in a patient with neuroblastoma.
Launspach, M., Seif, M., Thole, TM., Jesse, P., Schulz, J., Schulte, J.H., Bischoff, S., Eggert, A. and Deubzer, H.E.
Children 8 (2): 91. 29 January 2021


Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome following myeloablative therapy and tranexamic acid treatment for hemorrhage in two patients with neuroblastoma.
Zirngibl, F., Flemmig, C., Lang, P., Künkele, A., Eggert, A., Schulte, J.H. and Deubzer, H.E.
Children 7 (11): 198. November 2020

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