Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Abnormalities of pulmonary diffusion capacity in long-term survivors after kidney transplantation.
Ewert, R., Opitz, C., Wensel, R., Dandel, M., Mutze, S. and Reinke, P.
Chest 122 : 639-644. 1 January 2002


Big endothelin-1 and endothelin-1 plasma levels are correlated with the severity of primary pulmonary hypertension.
Rubens, C., Ewert, R., Halank, M., Wensel, R., Orzechowski, H.D., Schultheiss, H.P. and Hoeffken, G.
Chest 120 (5): 1562-1569. 1 November 2001


Relationship between impaired pulmonary diffusion and cardiopulmonary exercise capacity after heart transplantation.
Ewert, R., Wensel, R., Bruch, L., Mutze, S., Bauer, U., Plauth, M. and Kleber, F.X.
Chest 117 : 968-975. 1 April 2000

Hypercalcemia due to talc granulomatosis.
Woywodt, A., Schneider, W., Goebel, U. and Luft, F.C.
Chest 117 : 1195-1196. 1 April 2000


Cardiac cachexia - A syndrome with impaired survival and immune and neuroendocrine activation.
Anker, S.D. and Coats, A.J.S.
Chest 115 (3): 836-847. 1 March 1999


Long-term severe pulmonary hypertension associated with right atrial myxoma.
Heck, H.A., Gross, C.M. and Houghton, J.L.
Chest 102 : 301-303. 1 July 1992

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