Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Vinylphosphonites for staudinger-induced chemoselective peptide cyclization and functionalization.
Kasper, M.A, Glanz, M., Oder, A., Schmieder, P., von Kries, J.P. and Hackenberger, C.P.R.
Chemical Science 10 (25): 6322-6329. 7 July 2019


A bright FIT-PNA hybridization probe for the hybridization state specific analysis of a C → U RNA edit via FRET in a binary system.
Fang, G.M., Chamiolo, J., Kankowski, S., Hövelmann, F., Friedrich, D., Löwer, A., Meier, J.C. and Seitz, O.
Chemical Science 9 (21): 4794-4800. 7 June 2018


Improved tag-switch method reveals that thioredoxin acts as depersulfidase and controls the intracellular levels of protein persulfidation.
Wedmann, R., Onderka, C., Wei, S., Szijártó, I.A., Miljkovic, J.L., Mitrovic, A., Lange, M., Savitsky, S., Yadav, P.K., Torregrossa, R., Harrer, E.G., Harrer, T., Ishii, I., Gollasch, M., Wood, M.E., Galardon, E., Xian, M., Whiteman, M., Banerjee, R. and Filipovic, M.R.
Chemical Science 7 (5): 3414-3426. 25 May 2016

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