Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Deep brain stimulation during early adolescence prevents microglial alterations in a model of maternal immune activation.
Hadar, R., Dong, L., Del-Valle-Anton, L., Gueneykaya, D., Voget, M., Edemann-Callesen, H., Schweibold, R., Djodari-Irani, A., Goetz, T., Ewing, S., Kettenmann, H., Wolf, S.A. and Winter, C.
Brain, Behavior and Immunity 63 : 71-80. 7 July 2017


BLBP-expression in astrocytes during experimental demyelination and in human multiple sclerosis lesions.
Kipp, M., Gingele, S., Pott, F., Clarner, T., van der Valk, P., Denecke, B., Gan, L., Siffrin, V., Zipp, F., Dreher, W., Baumgartner, W., Pfeifenbring, S., Godbout, R., Amor, S. and Beyer, C.
Brain, Behavior and Immunity 25 (8): 1554-1568. November 2011

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