Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Reproducibility of heart rate variability revealed by repeated measurements during and after hemodialysis.
Deussing, K., Wendt, R., Burger, R., Gollasch, M. and Beige, J.
Blood Purification 49 (3): 356-363. May 2020


Pathophysiology of the cardiorenal syndromes: executive summary from the Eleventh Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI).
McCullough, P.A., Kellum, J.A., Haase, M., Mueller, C., Damman, K., Murray, P.T., Cruz, D., House, A.A., Schmidt-Ott, K.M., Vescovo, G., Bagshaw, S.M., Hoste, E.A., Briguori, C., Braam, B., Chawla, L.S., Costanzo, M.R., Tumlin, J.A., Herzog, C.A., Mehta, R.L., Rabb, H., Shaw, A.D., Singbartl, K. and Ronco, C.
Blood Purification 37 (Suppl 2): 2-13. 31 July 2014


Specific removal of C-reactive protein by apheresis in a porcine cardiac infarction model.
Slagman, A.C., Bock, C., Abdel-Aty, H., Vogt, B., Gebauer, F., Janelt, G., Wohlgemuth, F., Morgenstern, R., Yapici, G., Puppe, A., Modersohn, D., Mans, D., Jerichow, T., Ott, S., Kunze, R., Schroedl, W., Janko, C., Hermann, M., Kalden, J.R., Kern, P., Parsch, H., Kirschfink, M., Schulz-Menger, J., Roettgen, R., Unger, J.K., Frei, U., Schindler, R., Moeckel, M. and Sheriff, A.
Blood Purification 31 (1-3): 9-17. 2011

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