Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Mechanisms of GTP hydrolysis and conformational transitions in the dynamin superfamily.
Daumke, O. and Praefcke, G.J.
Biopolymers 105 (8): 580-593. August 2016


Time-resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy as tool for investigating refolding reactions of ribonuclease T1 synchronized with trans -> cis prolyl isomerization.
Moritz, R., Reinstadler, D., Fabian, H. and Naumann, D.
Biopolymers 67 (3): 145-155. 18 April 2002

Mid-IR microspectroscopic imaging of breast tumor tissue sections.
Fabian, H., Lasch, P., Boese, M. and Haensch, W.
Biopolymers 67 (4-5): 354-357. 1 January 2002


1H-NMR structural analysis of ethidium bromide complexation with self-complementary deoxytetranucleotides 5'-d(ApCpGpT), 5'-d(ApGpCpT), and 5'-d(TpGpCpA) in aqueous solution.
Davies, D.B., Karawajew, L. and Veselkov, A.N.
Biopolymers 38 (6): 745-757. 1 January 1996


Computer simulations of X-ray scattering curves: Gelation and crystallization process in amylose solutions.
Mueller, J.J., Gernat, C., Schulz, W., Mueller, E.C., Vorwerg, W. and Damaschun, G.
Biopolymers 35 : 271-288. 1 January 1995


The structure of the left-handed antiparallel amylose double helix. Theoretical studies.
Schulz, W., Sklenar, H., Hinrichs, W. and Saenger, W.
Biopolymers 33 : 363-375. 1 January 1993


Monte Carlo simulation of the hydration shell of double-helical amylose: a left-handed antiparallel double helix fits best into liquid water structure.
Eisenhaber, F. and Schulz, W.
Biopolymers 32 : 1643-1664. 1 January 1992


Prediction of the rotational diffusion behavior of biopolymers on the basis of their solution of crystal structure.
Mueller, J.J.
Biopolymers 31 (2): 149-160. 5 February 1991

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