Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


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Inter-individual and inter-strain differences in cognitive and social abilities of Dark Agouti and Wistar Han rats.
Alonso, L., Peeva, P., Ramos-Prats, A., Alenina, N., Winter, Y. and Rivalan, M.
Behavioural Brain Research 377 : 112188. 13 January 2020


Neuregulin-1 mutant mice indicate motor and sensory deficits, indeed few references for schizophrenia endophenotype model.
Schneider, S., Götz, K., Birchmeier, C., Schwegler, H. and Roskoden, T.
Behavioural Brain Research 322 (Pt A): 177-185. 30 March 2017


The role of serotonin in adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Alenina, N. and Klempin, F.
Behavioural Brain Research 277 : 49-57. 15 January 2015

Life without brain serotonin: reevaluation of serotonin function with mice deficient in brain serotonin synthesis.
Mosienko, V., Beis, D., Pasqualetti, M., Waider, J., Matthes, S., Qadri, F., Bader, M. and Alenina, N.
Behavioural Brain Research 277 (SI): 78-88. 15 January 2015


Angiotensin-(1-7) attenuates the anxiety and depression-like behaviors in transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen.
Kangussu, L.M., Almeida-Santos, A.F., Bader, M., Alenina, N., Fontes, M.A., Santos, R.A., Aguiar, D.C. and Campagnole-Santos, M.J.
Behavioural Brain Research 257 : 25-30. 15 November 2013


Sex specific behavioural alterations in Mas-deficient mice.
Walther, T., Voigt, J.P., Fink, H. and Bader, M.
Behavioural Brain Research 107 (1-2): 105-109. 1 January 2000


Learning and anxiety in angiotensin-deficient mice.
Walther, T., Voigt, J.P., Fukamizu, A., Fink, H. and Bader, M.
Behavioural Brain Research 100 : 1-4. 1 April 1999

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