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Mechanosensitive PIEZO2 channels shape coronary artery development.
Pampols-Perez, M., Fürst, C., Sánchez-Carranza, O., Cano, E., Raimundo, S., Lindberg, E.L., Taube, M., Heuser, A., Sporbert, A., Hübner, N., Gerhardt, H., Lewin, G.R. and Hammes, A.
bioRxiv : 2024.07.08.602502. 11 July 2024

Touch sensation requires the mechanically gated ion channel ELKIN1.
Chakrabarti, S., Klich, J.D., Khallaf, M.A., Hulme, A.J., Sánchez-Carranza, O., Baran, Z.M., Rossi, A., Huang, A.T.L., Pohl, T., Fleischer, R., Fürst, C., Hammes, A., Bégay, V., Hörnberg, H., Finol-Urdaneta, R.K., Poole, K., Dottori, M. and Lewin, G.
Science 383 (6686): 992-998. 1 March 2024

Canonical and non-canonical localization of tight junction proteins during early murine cranial development.
Mak, S. and Hammes, A.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (3): 1426. 24 January 2024


Balancing WNT signalling in early forebrain development: The role of LRP4 as a modulator of LRP6 function.
Geng, S., Paul, F., Kowalczyk, I., Raimundo, S., Sporbert, A., Mamo, T.M. and Hammes, A.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11 : 1173688. 7 April 2023


Forebrain development - an intricate balance decides between health and disease.
Mamo, T.M. and Hammes, A.
Neuroforum 28 (4): 233-243. 25 November 2022

Editorial: The long road to building a head: smooth travels and accidents on the journey from patterning via morphogenesis to phenotype.
Feistel, K., Hammes, A. and Sela-Donenfeld, D.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10 : 895497. 25 April 2022


Identification of disease-relevant modulators of the SHH pathway in the developing brain.
Mecklenburg, N., Kowalczyk, I., Witte, F., Görne, J., Laier, A., Mamo, T.M., Gonschior, H., Lehmann, M., Richter, M., Sporbert, A., Purfürst, B., Hübner, N. and Hammes, A.
Development 148 (17): dev199307. September 2021

Neural tube closure requires the endocytic receptor Lrp2 and its functional interaction with intracellular scaffolds.
Kowalczyk, I., Lee, C., Schuster, E., Hoeren, J., Trivigno, V., Riedel, L., Görne, J., Wallingford, J.B., Hammes, A. and Feistel, K.
Development 148 (2): dev195008. 26 January 2021


Identification of novel regulators of developmental hematopoiesis using endoglin regulatory elements as molecular probes.
Nasrallah, R., Fast, E.M., Solaimani, P., Knezevic, K., Eliades, A., Patel, R., Thambyrajah, R., Unnikrishnan, A., Thoms, J., Beck, D., Vink, C.S., Smith, A., Wong, J., Shepherd, M., Kent, D., Roychoudhuri, R., Paul, F., Klippert, J., Hammes, A., Willnow, T., Göttgens, B., Dzierzak, E., Zon, L.I., Lacaud, G., Kouskoff, V. and Pimanda, J.E.
Blood 128 (15): 1928-1939. 13 October 2016

Bimodal antagonism of PKA signalling by ARHGAP36.
Eccles, R.L., Czajkowski, M.T., Barth, C., Müller, P.M., McShane, E., Grunwald, S., Beaudette, P., Mecklenburg, N., Volkmer, R., Zühlke, K., Dittmar, G., Selbach, M., Hammes, A., Daumke, O., Klussmann, E., Urbé, S. and Rocks, O.
Nature Communications 7 : 12963. 7 October 2016


LRP2 acts as SHH clearance receptor to protect the retinal margin from mitogenic stimuli.
Christ, A., Christa, A., Klippert, J., Eule, J.C., Bachmann, S., Wallace, V.A., Hammes, A. and Willnow, T.E.
Developmental Cell 35 (1): 36-48. 12 October 2015


LRP2 mediates folate uptake in the developing neural tube.
Kur, E., Mecklenburg, N., Cabrera, R.M., Willnow, T.E. and Hammes, A.
Journal of Cell Science 127 (Pt 10): 2261-2268. 15 May 2014


Endocytic receptor-mediated control of morphogen signaling.
Willnow, T.E., Christ, A. and Hammes, A.
Development 139 (23): 4311-4319. 1 December 2012

LRP2 is an auxiliary SHH receptor required to condition the forebrain ventral midline for inductive signals.
Christ, A., Christa, A., Kur, E., Lioubinski, O., Bachmann, S., Willnow, T.E. and Hammes, A.
Developmental Cell 22 (2): 268-278. 14 February 2012


Loss of Lrp2 in zebrafish disrupts pronephric tubular clearance but not forebrain development.
Kur, E., Christa, A., Veth, K.N., Gajera, C.R., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Zhang, J., Willer, J.R., Gregg, R.G., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Bachmann, S., Link, B.A., Hammes, A. and Willnow, T.E.
Developmental Dynamics 240 (6): 1567-1577. June 2011


Mutation of megalin leads to urinary loss of selenoprotein P and selenium deficiency in serum, liver, kidneys and brain.
Chiu-Ugalde, J., Theilig, F., Behrends, T., Drebes, J., Sieland, C., Subbarayal, P., Koehrle, J., Hammes, A., Schomburg, L. and Schweizer, U.
Biochemical Journal 431 (1): 103-111. 1 October 2010

The soluble intracellular domain of megalin does not affect renal proximal tubular function in vivo.
Christ, A., Terryn, S., Schmidt, V., Christensen, E.I., Huska, M.R., Andrade-Navarro, M.A., Huebner, N., Devuyst, O., Hammes, A. and Willnow, T.E.
Kidney International 78 (5): 473-477. September 2010

LRP2 in ependymal cells regulates BMP signaling in the adult neurogenic niche.
Gajera, C.R., Emich, H., Lioubinski, O., Christ, A., Beckervordersandforth-Bonk, R., Yoshikawa, K., Bachmann, S., Christensen, E.I., Goetz, M., Kempermann, G., Peterson, A.S., Willnow, T.E. and Hammes, A.
Journal of Cell Science 123 (Pt 11): 1922-1930. 1 June 2010

Cerebrovascular dysfunction and microcirculation rarefaction precede white matter lesions in a mouse genetic model of cerebral ischemic small vessel disease.
Joutel, A., Monet-Lepretre, M., Gosele, C., Baron-Menguy, C., Hammes, A., Schmidt, S., Lemaire-Carrette, B., Domenga, V., Schedl, A., Lacombe, P. and Huebner, N.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 120 (2): 433-445. 1 February 2010


Endocytosis of sex steroids: The hypothesis of free hormones revisited.
Willnow, T.E., Hammes, A. and Nykjaer, A.
Annales d'Endocrinologie 69 (2): 101-102. April 2008


Lipoproteins and their receptors in embryonic development: more than cholesterol clearance.
Willnow, T.E., Hammes, A. and Eaton, S.
Development 134 (18): 3239-3249. September 2007


Role of endocytosis in cellular uptake of sex steroids.
Hammes, A., Andreassen, T.K., Spoelgen, R., Raila, J., Huebner, N., Schulz, H., Metzger, J., Schweigert, F.J., Luppa, P.B., Nykjaer, A. and Willnow, T.E.
Cell 122 (5): 751-762. 9 September 2005

A splice variant of the Wilms' tumour suppressor Wt1 is required for normal development of the olfactory system.
Wagner, N., Wagner, K.D., Hammes, A., Kirschner, K.M., Vidal, V.R., Schedl, A. and Scholz, H.
Development 132 (6): 1327-1336. 1 January 2005

LRP2/megalin is required for patterning of the ventral telencephalon.
Spoelgen, R., Hammes, A., Anzenberger, U., Zechner, D., Andersen, O.M., Jerchow, B. and Willnow, T.E.
Development 132 (2): 405-414. 1 January 2005


α-tropomyosin mutations Asp175Asn and Glu180Gly affect cardiac function in transgenic rats in different ways.
Wernicke, D., Thiel, C., Duja-Isac, C.M., Essine, K.V., Spindler, M., Nunez, D.J.R., Plehm, R., Wessel, N., Hammes, A., Edwards, R.J., Lippoldt, A., Zacharias, U., Stroemer, H., Neubauer, S., Davies, M.J., Morano, I. and Thierfelder, L.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 287 (3): R685-R695. 1 September 2004


Transgenic overexpression of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase improves reticular Ca(2+) handling in normal and diabetic rat hearts.
Vetter, R., Rehfeld, U., Reissfelder, C., Weiss, W., Wagner, K.D., Guenther, J., Hammes, A., Tschoepe, C., Dillmann, W. and Paul, M.
FASEB Journal 16 (12): 1657-1659. October 2002

Early gonadal development: exploring Wt1 and Sox9 function.
Guo, J.K., Hammes, A., Chaboissier, M.C., Vidal, V., Xing, Y., Wong, F. and Schedl, A.
Novartis Foundation Symposium 244 : 23-31. 1 March 2002

WT1 is a key regulator of podocyte function: reduced expression levels cause crescentic glomerulonephritis and mesangial sclerosis.
Guo, J.K., Menke, A.L., Gubler, M.C., Clarke, A.R., Harrison, D., Hammes, A., Hastie, N.D. and Schedl, A.
Human Molecular Genetics 11 (6): 651-659. 1 January 2002


Two splice variants of the Wilms' tumor 1 gene have distinct functions during sex determination and nephron formation.
Hammes, A., Guo, J.K., Lutsch, G., Leheste, J.R., Landrock, D., Ziegler, U., Gubler, M.C. and Schedl, A.
Cell 106 (3): 319-329. 10 August 2001

Overexpression of sarcolemmal calcium pump attenuates induction of cardiac gene expression in response to ET-1.
Piuhola, J., Hammes, A., Schuh, K., Neyses, L., Vuolteenaho, O. and Ruskoaho, H.
American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 281 (3): R699-R705. 1 January 2001


Overexpression of the sarcolemmal calcium pump in the myocardium of transgenic rats.
Hammes, A., Oberdorf-Maass, S., Rother, T., Nething, K., Gollnick, F., Linz, K.W., Meyer, R., Hu, K., Han, H., Gaudron, P., Ertl, G., Hoffmann, S., Ganten, U., Vetter, R., Schuh, K., Benkwitz, C., Zimmer, H.G. and Neyses, L.
Circulation Research 83 (9): 877-888. 2 November 1998

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