Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Touch inhibits cold: non-contact cooling suggests a thermotactile gating mechanism

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Item Type:Article
Title:Touch inhibits cold: non-contact cooling suggests a thermotactile gating mechanism
Creators Name:Ezquerra Romano, I., Chowdhury, M. and Haggard, P.
Abstract:Skin stimuli reach the brain via multiple neural channels specific for different stimulus types. These channels interact in the spinal cord, typically through inhibition. Inter-channel interactions can be investigated by selectively stimulating one channel and comparing the sensations that result when another sensory channel is or is not concurrently stimulated. Applying this logic to thermal–mechanical interactions proves difficult, because most existing thermal stimulators involve skin contact. We used a novel non-tactile stimulator for focal cooling (9 mm(2)) by using thermal imaging of skin temperature as a feedback signal to regulate exposure to a dry-ice source. We could then investigate how touch modulates cold sensation by delivering cooling to the human hand dorsum in either the presence or absence of light touch. Across three signal detection experiments, we found that sensitivity to cooling was significantly reduced by touch. This reduction was specific to touch, as it did not occur when presenting auditory signals instead of the tactile input, making explanations based on distraction or attention unlikely. Our findings suggest that touch inhibits cold perception, recalling interactions of touch and pain previously described by Pain Gate Theory.
Keywords:Somatosensation, Thermosensation, Psychophysics, Cooling
Source:Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Publisher:Royal Society Publishing
Page Range:20243014
Date:February 2025
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2024.3014
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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