Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Sequential visual stimuli increase high frequency power in the visual cortex

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Item Type:Preprint
Title:Sequential visual stimuli increase high frequency power in the visual cortex
Creators Name:Keil, J., Hernandez-Urbina, V., Vassiliou, C., Dean, C., Schmitz, D., Kremkow, J. and Sibille, J.
Abstract:Today, 40 Hz flickering full-field visual stimulation is used to entrain neuronal oscillations for a variety of therapeutic purposes. We here propose spatially organized sequential visual flickering stimulation as a newer tool to entrain the visual system. We show that sequential visual flickering can evoke increased power in high frequencies (100 to 190 Hz) in the visual cortex of mice. Consequently, sequential sensory stimulation should be regarded as a putative new way leading to power increases in high frequency domains.
Keywords:Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Article Number:2025.01.14.632930
Date:16 January 2025
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.01.14.632930

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