Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


PinkyCaMP a mScarlet-based calcium sensor with exceptional brightness, photostability, and multiplexing capabilities

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Item Type:Preprint
Title:PinkyCaMP a mScarlet-based calcium sensor with exceptional brightness, photostability, and multiplexing capabilities
Creators Name:Fink, R., Imai, S., Gockel, N., Lauer, G., Renken, K., Wietek, J., Lamothe-Molina, P.J., Fuhrmann, F., Mittag, M., Ziebarth, T., Canziani, A., Kubitschke, M., Kistmacher, V., Kretschmer, A., Sebastian, E., Schmitz, D., Terai, T., Gründemann, J., Hassan, S., Patriarchi, T., Reiner, A., Fuhrmann, M., Campbell, R.E. and Masseck, O.A.
Abstract:Genetically encoded calcium (Ca(2+)) indicators (GECIs) are widely used for imaging neuronal activity, yet current limitations of existing red fluorescent GECIs have constrained their applicability. The inherently dim fluorescence and low signal-to-noise ratio of red-shifted GECIs have posed significant challenges. More critically, several red-fluorescent GECIs exhibit photoswitching when exposed to blue light, thereby limiting their applicability in alloptical experimental approaches. Here, we present the development of PinkyCaMP, the first mScarlet-based Ca(2+) sensor that outperforms current red fluorescent sensors in brightness, photostability, signal-to-noise ratio, and compatibility with optogenetics and neurotransmitter imaging. PinkyCaMP is well-tolerated by neurons, showing no toxicity or aggregation, both in vitro and in vivo. All imaging approaches, including single-photon excitation methods such as fiber photometry, widefield imaging, miniscope imaging, as well as two-photon imaging in awake mice, are fully compatible with PinkyCaMP.
Keywords:Animals, Mice
Publisher:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Article Number:2024.12.16.628673
Date:17 December 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.16.628673

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