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Examining the healthy human microbiome concept

Item Type:Review
Title:Examining the healthy human microbiome concept
Creators Name:Joos, R., Boucher, K., Lavelle, A., Arumugam, M., Blaser, M.J., Claesson, M.J., Clarke, G., Cotter, P.D., De Sordi, L., Dominguez-Bello, M.G., Dutilh, B.E., Ehrlich, S.D., Ghosh, T.S., Hill, C., Junot, C., Lahti, L., Lawley, T.D., Licht, T.R., Maguin, E., Makhalanyane, T.P., Marchesi, J.R., Matthijnssens, J., Raes, J., Ravel, J., Salonen, A., Scanlan, P.D., Shkoporov, A., Stanton, C., Thiele, I., Tolstoy, I., Walter, J., Yang, B., Yutin, N., Zhernakova, A., Zwart, H., Doré, J. and Ross, R.P.
Abstract:Human microbiomes are essential to health throughout the lifespan and are increasingly recognized and studied for their roles in metabolic, immunological and neurological processes. Although the full complexity of these microbial communities is not fully understood, their clinical and industrial exploitation is well advanced and expanding, needing greater oversight guided by a consensus from the research community. One of the most controversial issues in microbiome research is the definition of a ‘healthy’ human microbiome. This concept is complicated by the microbial variability over different spatial and temporal scales along with the challenge of applying a unified definition to the spectrum of healthy microbiome configurations. In this Perspective, we examine the progress made and the key gaps that remain to be addressed to fully harness the benefits of the human microbiome. We propose a road map to expand our knowledge of the microbiome–health relationship, incorporating epidemiological approaches informed by the unique ecological characteristics of these communities.
Keywords:Humans, Microbiota
Source:Nature Reviews Microbiology
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:192-205
Date:March 2025
Additional Information:Peer Bork is a member of the Human Microbiome Action Consortium. - Erratum in: Nat Rev Microbiol 23(3):206.
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-024-01107-0
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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