Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Measurement of forces acting on single T-cell receptors

Item Type:Article
Title:Measurement of forces acting on single T-cell receptors
Creators Name:Schrangl, L., Göhring, J., Kellner, F., Huppa, J.B. and Schütz, G.J.
Abstract:Molecular forces are increasingly recognized as an important parameter to understand cellular signaling processes. In the recent years, evidence accumulated that also T-cells exert tensile forces via their T-cell receptor during the antigen recognition process. To measure such intercellular pulling forces, one can make use of the elastic properties of spider silk peptides, which act similar to Hookean springs: increased strain corresponds to increased stress applied to the peptide. Combined with Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) to read out the strain, such peptides represent powerful and versatile nanoscopic force sensing tools. In this paper, we provide a detailed protocol how to synthesize a molecular force sensor for application in T-cell antigen recognition and hands-on guidelines on experiments and analysis of obtained single molecule FRET data.
Keywords:Single Molecule Microscopy, Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), T-Cell, Immunological Synapse, Molecular Forces, Force Sensor, Single-Molecule Tracking, Animals
Source:Methods in Molecular Biology
Series Name:Methods in Molecular Biology
Title of Book:Imaging cell signaling
Publisher:Springer / Humana Press
Page Range:147-165
Number of Pages:246
Date:7 May 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3834-7_11
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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