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Cellular senescence: neither irreversible nor reversible

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Item Type:Review
Title:Cellular senescence: neither irreversible nor reversible
Creators Name:Reimann, M., Lee, S. and Schmitt, C.A.
Abstract:Cellular senescence is a critical stress response program implicated in embryonic development, wound healing, aging, and immunity, and it backs up apoptosis as an ultimate cell-cycle exit mechanism. In analogy to replicative exhaustion of telomere-eroded cells, premature types of senescence-referring to oncogene-, therapy-, or virus-induced senescence-are widely considered irreversible growth arrest states as well. We discuss here that entry into full-featured senescence is not necessarily a permanent endpoint, but dependent on essential maintenance components, potentially transient. Unlike a binary state switch, we view senescence with its extensive epigenomic reorganization, profound cytomorphological remodeling, and distinctive metabolic rewiring rather as a journey toward a full-featured arrest condition of variable strength and depth. Senescence-underlying maintenance-essential molecular mechanisms may allow cell-cycle reentry if not continuously provided. Importantly, senescent cells that resumed proliferation fundamentally differ from those that never entered senescence, and hence would not reflect a reversion but a dynamic progression to a post-senescent state that comes with distinct functional and clinically relevant ramifications.
Keywords:Aging, Apoptosis, Cell Cycle, Cell Division, Cellular Senescence, Pregnancy
Source:Journal of Experimental Medicine
Publisher:Rockefeller University Press
Page Range:e20232136
Date:1 April 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1084/jem.20232136
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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