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Flexible, actin-based ridges colocalise with the β1 integrin on the surface of melanoma cells

Item Type:Article
Title:Flexible, actin-based ridges colocalise with the β1 integrin on the surface of melanoma cells
Creators Name:Poole, K. and Mueller, D.
Abstract:Using a combination of laser-scanning confocal microscopy and atomic force microscopy, we have identified flexible, actin-based structures on the surface of cells derived from the vertical growth phase of melanoma progression. These flexible structures, lacking on the surface of mature melanocytes, were observed on the surface of all four melanoma cell lines tested. Further investigation revealed that the {beta}1 integrin colocalises with these actin-based ridges on the cell surface, whereas {beta}1 integrin distribution in melanocytes did not correlate with actin-based structures. Fibronectin staining on the surface of melanoma cells was partially codistributed with the ridges. The combination of structural information derived from atomic force microscopy images and fluorescent imaging of the distribution of labelled proteins involved in invasion and metastasis has allowed us to identify a common feature that may be involved in disease progression, at the surface of vertical growth phase melanoma cells, despite the known variation in genetic composition of melanoma.
Keywords:Melanoma, {Beta}1 Integrin, Atomic Force Microscopy
Source:British Journal of Cancer
Publisher:Nature Publishing Group
Page Range:1499-1505
Date:25 April 2005
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.bjc.6602515
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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