Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


BMPR IA downstream genes related to VSD

Item Type:Article
Title:BMPR IA downstream genes related to VSD
Creators Name:Yang, D., Zhang, J., Chen, C., Xie, M., Sperling, S., Fang, F., Chen, B., Li, X. and Zhang, H.
Abstract:Cardiac-specific deletion of the receptor IA of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) (ALK3) by Cre recombinase driven under the [alpha]-MHC promoter is lethal in mid-gestation with defects in the interventricular septum [ventricular septum defect (VSD)]. Analysis of expression of the ALK3 downstream genes is important to identify the signaling pathway for interventricular septum development. The mRNA expression level of a control group was compared with that of a test group. ALK3 downstream genes were screened using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-select cDNA subtraction and microarray. It was found that the mice with an ALK3 knockout gene produced a VSD. The expression of some genes such as platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF) and Pax-8 was down-regulated in the test group. Pax-8 gene expression was down-regulated by 7.1 times in the test group and expressed specifically in the 11.5-d embryonic (E11.5) heart. Furthermore, the expression of the protein-tyrosine kinase of the focal adhesion kinase subfamily (PTK) and [beta] subtype protein 14-3-3 was up-regulated in the test group. PTK gene expression was up-regulated by 3.7 times in the test group. These data provided support that the ALK3 gene plays an important role during heart development. The PAF and Pax-8 genes could be important ALK3 downstream genes in the BMP signaling pathway during interventricular septum development. PTK and [beta] subtype protein 14-3-3 might be regulatory factors in this pathway.
Keywords:Developmental Gene Expression Regulation, Gene Expression Profiling, Heart, Heart Septum, In Situ Hybridization, Messenger RNA, Muscle Development, Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis, Reproducibility of Results, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction, Time Factors, Type I Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptors, Ventricular Heart Septal Defects, Animals, Mice
Source:Pediatric Research
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Page Range:602-606
Date:June 2008
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1203/PDR.0b013e31813cbe9f
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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