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Structural characterization of Thogoto Virus nucleoprotein provides insights into viral RNA encapsidation and RNP assembly

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Item Type:Article
Title:Structural characterization of Thogoto Virus nucleoprotein provides insights into viral RNA encapsidation and RNP assembly
Creators Name:Dick, A. and Mikirtumov, V. and Fuchs, J. and Krupp, F. and Olal, D. and Bendl, E. and Sprink, T. and Diebolder, C. and Kudryashev, M. and Kochs, G. and Roske, Y. and Daumke, O.
Abstract:Orthomyxoviruses, such as influenza and thogotoviruses, are important human and animal pathogens. Their segmented viral RNA genomes are wrapped by viral nucleoproteins (NPs) into helical ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs). NP structures of several influenza viruses have been reported. However, there are still contradictory models of how orthomyxovirus RNPs are assembled. Here, we characterize the crystal structure of Thogoto virus (THOV) NP and found striking similarities to structures of influenza viral NPs, including a two-lobed domain architecture, a positively charged RNA-binding cleft, and a tail loop important for trimerization and viral transcription. A low-resolution cryo-electron tomography reconstruction of THOV RNPs elucidates a left-handed double helical assembly. By providing a model for RNP assembly of THOV, our study suggests conserved NP assembly and RNA encapsidation modes for thogoto- and influenza viruses.
Keywords:Viral Replication, Nucleoprotein, RNA Binding, Oligomerization, Orthomyxovirus
Publisher:Cell Press
Page Range:1–11.e1–e5
Date:8 August 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2024.04.016
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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