Helmholtz Gemeinschaft


Rigorous science demands support of transgender scientists

Item Type:Editorial
Title:Rigorous science demands support of transgender scientists
Creators Name:Aghi, K., Anderson, B.M., Castellano, B.M., Cunningham, A., Delano, M., Dickinson, E.S., von Diezmann, L., Forslund-Startceva, S.K., Grijseels, D.M., Groh, S.S., Guthman, E.M., Jayasinghe, I., Johnston, J., Long, S., McLaughlin, J.F., McLaughlin, M., Miyagi, M., Rajaraman, B., Sancheznieto, F., Scheim, A.I., Sun, S.E.D., Titmuss, F.D., Walsh, R.J. and Weinberg, Z.Y.
Abstract:To build a just, equitable, and diverse academy, scientists and institutions must address systemic barriers that sex and gender minorities face. This Commentary summarizes (1) critical context informing the contemporary oppression of transgender people, (2) how this shapes extant research on sex and gender, and (3) actions to build an inclusive and rigorous academy for all.
Keywords:Gender Identity, Sexual and Gender Minorities, Transgender Persons
Publisher:Elsevier / Cell Press
Page Range:1327-1334
Date:14 March 2024
Official Publication:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.02.021
PubMed:View item in PubMed

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